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WIP Bijective Read/Show instances for patterns
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adds helper module Network.Socket.ReadShow for defining bijections
between types, to be used for simultaneous read-show equivalence

implements read/show instances for SocketOption, SockType, and Family
according to this paradigm

additionally removes a bug in Network.Socket.Options where
the OOBInline pattern name was unintentionally allcaps-ed in
one of the CPP ifdef branches
  • Loading branch information
archaephyrryx committed Jul 5, 2020
1 parent db2e47b commit dcc2cb1
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Showing 4 changed files with 225 additions and 115 deletions.
71 changes: 66 additions & 5 deletions Network/Socket/Options.hsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

#include "HsNet.h"
Expand All @@ -25,12 +26,15 @@ module Network.Socket.Options (
, setSockOpt
) where

import qualified Text.Read as P

import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)

import Network.Socket.Imports
import Network.Socket.Internal
import Network.Socket.Types
import Network.Socket.ReadShow

-- Socket Properties
Expand All @@ -39,10 +43,10 @@ import Network.Socket.Types
-- The existence of a constructor does not imply that the relevant option
-- is supported on your system: see 'isSupportedSocketOption'
data SocketOption = SockOpt {
sockOptLevel :: !CInt
, sockOptName :: !CInt
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data SocketOption = SockOpt
!CInt -- ^ Option Level
!CInt -- ^ Option Name
deriving (Eq)

-- | Does the 'SocketOption' exist on this system?
isSupportedSocketOption :: SocketOption -> Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ pattern OOBInline :: SocketOption
pattern OOBInline = SockOpt (#const SOL_SOCKET) (#const SO_OOBINLINE)
pattern OOBINLINE = SockOpt (-1) (-1)
pattern OOBInline = SockOpt (-1) (-1)
-- | SO_LINGER: timeout in seconds, 0 means disabling/disabled.
pattern Linger :: SocketOption
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,6 +378,63 @@ getSockOpt s (SockOpt level opt) = do
c_getsockopt fd level opt ptr ptr_sz
peek ptr

socketOptionPairs :: [Pair SocketOption String]
socketOptionPairs =
[ (Debug, "Debug")
, (ReuseAddr, "ReuseAddr")
, (SoDomain, "SoDomain")
, (Type, "Type")
, (SoProtocol, "SoProtocol")
, (SoError, "SoError")
, (DontRoute, "DontRoute")
, (Broadcast, "Broadcast")
, (SendBuffer, "SendBuffer")
, (RecvBuffer, "RecvBuffer")
, (KeepAlive, "KeepAlive")
, (OOBInline, "OOBInline")
, (Linger, "Linger")
, (ReusePort, "ReusePort")
, (RecvLowWater, "RecvLowWater")
, (SendLowWater, "SendLowWater")
, (RecvTimeOut, "RecvTimeOut")
, (SendTimeOut, "SendTimeOut")
, (UseLoopBack, "UseLoopBack")
, (MaxSegment, "MaxSegment")
, (NoDelay, "NoDelay")
, (UserTimeout, "UserTimeout")
, (Cork, "Cork")
, (TimeToLive, "TimeToLive")
, (RecvIPv4TTL, "RecvIPv4TTL")
, (RecvIPv4TOS, "RecvIPv4TOS")
, (RecvIPv4PktInfo, "RecvIPv4PktInfo")
, (IPv6Only, "IPv6Only")
, (RecvIPv6HopLimit, "RecvIPv6HopLimit")
, (RecvIPv6TClass, "RecvIPv6TClass")
, (RecvIPv6PktInfo, "RecvIPv6PktInfo")

socketOptionBijection :: Bijection SocketOption String
socketOptionBijection = Bijection{..}
cso = "CustomSockOpt"
_parse :: String -> (CInt, CInt)
_parse xy =
let (xs, ('_':ys)) = break (=='_') xy
in (read xs, read ys)
defFwd = \(CustomSockOpt (n,m)) -> cso++show n++"_"++show m
defBwd s = case splitAt (length cso) s of
("CustomSockOpt", nm) -> CustomSockOpt $ _parse nm
_ -> error "socketOptionBijection: exception in WIP ReadShow code"
pairs = socketOptionPairs

instance Show SocketOption where
show = forward socketOptionBijection

instance Read SocketOption where
readPrec = P.lexP >>= \(P.Ident x) -> return $ backward socketOptionBijection x

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getsockopt"
c_getsockopt :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr a -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "setsockopt"
Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Network/Socket/ReadShow.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Network.Socket.ReadShow where

-- type alias for individual correspondences of a (possibly partial) bijection
type Pair a b = (a, b)

-- | helper function for equality on first tuple element
{-# INLINE eqFst #-}
eqFst :: Eq a => a -> (a, b) -> Bool
eqFst x = \(x',_) -> x' == x

-- | helper function for equality on snd tuple element
{-# INLINE eqSnd #-}
eqSnd :: Eq b => b -> (a, b) -> Bool
eqSnd y = \(_,y') -> y' == y

-- | Return RHS element that is paired with provided LHS,
-- or apply a default fallback function if the list is partial
lookForward :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> [Pair a b] -> a -> b
lookForward defFwd ps x
= case filter (eqFst x) ps of
(_,y):_ -> y
[] -> defFwd x

-- | Return LHS element that is paired with provided RHS,
-- or apply a default fallback function if the list is partial
lookBackward :: Eq b => (b -> a) -> [Pair a b] -> b -> a
lookBackward defBwd ps y
= case filter (eqSnd y) ps of
(x,_):_ -> x
[] -> defBwd y

data Bijection a b
= Bijection
{ defFwd :: a -> b
, defBwd :: b -> a
, pairs :: [Pair a b]

forward :: (Eq a) => Bijection a b -> a -> b
forward Bijection{..} = lookForward defFwd pairs

backward :: (Eq b) => Bijection a b -> b -> a
backward Bijection{..} = lookBackward defBwd pairs

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