I'm a passionate developer, computer science enthusiast, and medical doctor based in Kuwait. I'm most passionate about programming languages, compilers, interpreters, and systems programming in general.
My coding journey began as a kid, and I've been hooked ever since. I hold an MSc in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, complementing my career in medicine.
- Programming Languages: Swift, Python, C, C++
- Web technologies: HTML, CSS, SQL
- Frameworks: Django, SwiftUI, UIKit, Flask
- Data science tools: PyTorch, NumPy, SciKit Learn
- CompilerKit: A Swift library for compiler construction
- SwiftProtohackers: Solutions to networking challenges using Swift NIO
- slox & cloxpp: Interpreters for the Lox language in Swift and C++
- CSSMirror: A tool for automatically converting CSS-based designs from left-to-right to right-to-left languages
When I'm not coding, I'm an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Kuwait University and a Consultant Physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, and Diabetes. I'm very active in the field of medical education.