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A framework for developing web applications in Go using a component based MVC architecture

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Bolt - A Component-based MVC Architecture for Scalable Web Applications

The bolt architecture is not complicated, instead, it's designed to be fully comprehendible and generic. The bolt architecture does what most other web frameworks are capable of, without introducing third party dependencies, or much overhead at all. In fact, the bolt architecture can probably be implemented in just about any programming language supporting templating, and used to build just about any GUI application.

The go programming language is used in this documentation, but the bolt architecture is meant to be explained herein so that a student programmer may implement it any way they see fit.

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Templates explained

When we use the word "template", we are not refering to pre-built websites or using a "theme". Websites such as wikipedia, github, and facebook all use a technique to display thier websites called "templating". When a wikipedia article is requested by a user, wikipedias server code queries a database for that page's data object. The properties of this object are used to "fill-out" what we could call an "article" template, and this template is then served to the user as a wikipedia article.

A template could be as little as one line of html containg a template directive, which are wrapped in currly braces in go.

                 <h1>{{.Title}}</h1>          <-- page.html with template
                                                  directive in curly braces
    var v viewData                            <-- These lines turn an
    redis.HGETALL(context, "pageData").Scan(&v)   instance of a viewData
                                                  type into an object
    v == *v{Title: "BOLT"}                        containing the data we 
                                                  retrieved from the 
                          |                       database

   templates.Exec("page.html", &v)            <-- compile page.html with &v

                    <h1>BOLT</h1>             <-- The directive is now
                                                  replaced with the 
                                                  view data.

An enterprise app will likely store data for different page views in a database. Your programming language should be able to interface with most databases using third-party tooling likely provided by the database developers.

This documentation will use the database redis, but bolt architecture can be interfaced with any databse.

Directory Structure/Folder Hierarchy

Herein, the term bolt app refers to an application built using the bolt architecture, usually a web application. Any application built using the bolt architecture should be designed with the following directory structure in mind.

Comprehending this directory structure is important in understanding bolt architecutre. It's not complex, but it is essential, and once we understand the structure of a an app built using the bolt architecture, we can hack on any bolt app.

The structure of a bolt app looks like this:

│──────────────────────────────── FILES ───────────────────────────────────
├── bolt.conf.json  ─────  Configure the app.
├─────  ─────  Start and restart the app. Tell your editor to 
│                          run this on save.
├───────── main.go  ─────  func main() - Where the app is initiated.
├────── globals.go  ─────  Global variables, all in one place.
├────── helpers.go  ─────  Helper functions that don't fit anywhere else, 
│                          some are unused, but will probably be needed in 
│                          most apps. This may be turned into a seperate 
│                          package eventually
├─────── server.go  ─────  Server stuff. These files can be edited manually
├─────── router.go         or bolt can automatically add routes
├───── handlers.go         and handlers.
├───── viewdata.go  ─────  The data that we use to "fill out" the template.
│                          If we add a component that will handle some 
│                          new data from the server, we have to edit this.
│──────────────────────────────── FOLDERS ─────────────────────────────────
├── public/ ─────────────  This folder is served to the web, and will──────
│   └── media/             ususally only contain media.
└── internal/ ───────────  This folder contains "components" and "pages".──
    │                      This folder itself is not served to the web, but
    │                      the files it contains will be "compiled" into
    │                      a page that will be served on the web by our app.
    ├── shared/ ─────────  This folder contains css, html, and javascriptp─
    │      │               that will be included in the <head> of every 
    │      │               page served, and so the rules here effect
    │      │               every component/page.  
    │      │                
    │      └─────────── head/       
    │                    ├── head.css  
    │                    ├── head.html 
    │                    └── head.js
    ├── pages/ ────────── This folder contains "pages", which are folders──
    │      │              containing html templates, composed of components.
    │      │                
    │      └───────────── pageName/     
    │                      └── pageName.html
    └── components/ ───── This folder contains "components", each housed──
           │              in their own directory, named after the component. 
           └── componentName/
                 ├── componentName.css
                 ├── componentName.html
                 └── componentName.js ─────────────────────────────────────

A bolt app is composed of html templates called pages and components. pagesare usually composed of components, and components can also be composed of other components.

Components are stored in internal/components, and are composed of three files, one for javascript, another for css, and a .html file containg html with golang template directives.

├── internal
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── footer
│   │   │   ├── footer.css
│   │   │   ├── footer.js
│   │   │   └── footer.html

Once a component is created, it must then be added to a page by specifying it in a template directive within that page.

What is the bolt program? bolt is a Go program for building bolt apps

bolt is not a third-party dependency, bolt is a Go program designed for rapid prototyping and development, generating scaffolding and useful tooling for building web applications using the bolt architecture.

NOTE: bolt is under heavy development and still alpha. At this time, bolt can be used to build single-page static websites, but in the future, bolt will be able to aid in the production of large dynamic websites.

I'm already using bolt to build TagMachine, a dynamic social media platform.

Features in progress

  • Generate basic scaffolding to begin building a web app
  • Tooling to speed up the process of creating generic web components
  • Convert data modeled in JSON into code for forms and basic database procedures
  • Install components from third party git repos


  • Compile bolt: $ cd $ git clone $ cd bolt $ go build -o bolt $ mv bolt $PATH $ bolt --help

  • Test Bolt: $ cd test_tools $ ./

Follow the link, you should see:

Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 4 13 35 AM
  • Create a bolt app:

    $ cd $ mkdir boltapp $ cd boltapp $ bolt

  • Create a component and insert it into the main page:

    $ bolt --new-component=test && bolt --insert-component=test

  • This command generates a navigation bar component, and three other components, one for each section. The sections have no content yet, so can't be seen, but the boiler plate code to begin their creation is there.

    $ bolt --autonav=section1,section2,section3

  • Add a new route and handler:

    $ bolt --new-route=path,handlerName

  • Create an upload form and stream of uploads based on data modeled in a .json

    $ touch model.json $ echo '{ $ "file": ["FileElement"], $ "text": ["Title","Year","Price"], $ "textarea": ["About"] $ }' >> model.json $ bolt --streamable model.json


Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 12 55 26 AM

More info coming soon.

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A framework for developing web applications in Go using a component based MVC architecture






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