This is obsolete, use instead the official version
This plugin allows sending build metrics to InfluxDB time series database, to be used for analysis and with status radiators. Recommeded option is to use Grafana ( for visualizing the data.
Codebase is forked from Jenkins Graphite Plugin and refactored to suit purpose.
Plugin has been tested with InfluxDB version v0.11, v0.12 and v0.13. Does not support InfluxDB versions prior v0.9.
Supported metrics:
- Jenkins base report
- Cobertura code coverage metrics
- Robot Framework plugin metrics
Generates InfluxDB serie per project (project_name)
Supported metrics:
- project_name
- build_number
- build_duration
- build_result
- build_result_ordinal
- build_status_message
- project_build_stability
- project_build_health
- last_successful_build
- last_stable_build
- tests_failed
- tests_skipped
- tests_total
Requires Jenkins Cobertura plugin. Generates InfluxDB serie per project (project_name).
Supported metrics:
- project_name
- build_number
- cobertura_package_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_packages
- cobertura_class_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_classes
- cobertura_line_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_lines
- cobertura_sourcefile_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_sourcefiles
- cobertura_condition_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_conditions
- cobertura_method_coverage_rate
- cobertura_number_of_methods
Requires Jenkins Robot Framework plugin. Generates several InfluxDB series.
- summary - per project (project_name)
- tag - per tag
- suite - per suite
- testcase - per testcase
Supported metrics:
- project_name
- build_number
- duration
- cases_failed
- cases_passed
- cases_total
- pass_percentage
- critical_failed
- critical_passed
- critical_total
- critical_pass_percentage
- serie
- suite
- suites
- tag
- tag_list
- testcase_name
Plugin also supports Jenkins Matrix plugin. Matrix axis are stored as InfluxDB tags with matrix_ prefix, so that each matrix combination forms its' own serie. In addition, top level jenkins report is created with empty values for matrix tags.
##Future plans:
- Getting plugin into Jenkins distribution