Run npm i
inside of the main folder and the functions folder.
Be sure to install the firebase tools onto your computer with npm i firebase-tools -g
You can run the firestore emulator with npm run serve
while in the functions folder to get an empty emulator.
You can run npm run dev
to start the emulator with a firebase imported
Run the command firebase emulators:export ./emulator_firestore
to export the current emulator firestore to the folder (or npm run exportf
firebase --project=development functions:config:get
to see current env variables
example setting environment variable
firebase --project=development functions:config:set someservice.key="THE API KEY""THE CLIENT ID"
First you have to run firebase login
to log in to your hark email. If you don't have access
and think you should, contact
After logging in, run npm run deploy:dev
to deploy the code to the live dev server.
You can run npm run deploy:prod
to deploy the code to the live production server.
The codebase is currently a little messy, mainly due to the last-minute hackathon crunch.