run using nodemon
npm run dev
use vscode liveserver + client.html
to test (make sure client.html is connecting to local)
build and run container:
docker build -t chat-server .
(after building you can also run from gui)
docker run -d -p 4000:4000 --name chat-server chat-server
to stop and remove:
docker stop chat-server
docker rm chat-server
make sure you are authenticated with the aws cli
this how:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker build -t chat-server .
docker tag chat-server:latest
docker push
make sure you are authenticated with the aws cli
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name=production --template-file=public-vpc.yml --capabilities=CAPABILITY_IAM
go to create a new stack with the public-service.yml template
put in the correct aws ecr docker image url in the form
set desiredcount to 1 for now
name it whatever (stack name and service name)
set containerport to 4000
Once it has finished creating, the ExternalUrl is under the "Outputs" tab
go into the stack and change the container image name to whatever the new tagged VERSION is