Code Snippets for Problem-Solving in C++ and Python
- Algorithm Templates
- Data Structures
- Graph
- Libraries
- Math
- Strings
- Test Problems
- The purpose of this folder is to house pseudocode for some common algorithm idea implementations.
- This folder is divided into 3 parts, Basic, Advanced and Adapters
- Basic: It contains commonly used functions / implementations of these basic structures.
- Advanced: It contains implementations of these datastructures
Implementations of Commonly used Graph Theory Algorithms
Implementation of String Algorithms & some code snippets
- Check for Subsequence
- Generate all Substrings
- Check if string is Palindrome
- Check if string can form Palindrome
- Re-Order String To Form Palindrome
Implementation of frequently used math operations.
- Tarjan
- Kosaraju
- Euler Tour
- HeilHolzer
- Bellman-Ford
- Floyd-Warshall
- Diameter
- Binary Lifting
- Distance b/w 2 nodes
- LCA using binary lifting
- LCA using euler tour
- LCA using segment tree
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
ls ../output