Welcome to the Harbor frontend take home assignment. We hope this is a good opportunity for you to showcase your skills.
There is a simple express server in this repo that will serve some dummy data. To start the server, install the packages and run yarn start:server
You can then access the data via GET localhost:3000/testnets
We want you to implement the following frontend design (Refer to the Figma link mentioned below in the Resources section to see the full UI flow with clickpoints and design in detail):
1. The Card
2. Sorting
3. Filtering
All of the designs/icons are present in this link https://www.figma.com/file/9WvSRuYKIIPmwH59kycln3/Harbor---Front-end-assignment?node-id=0%3A1
Please use them in your work.
We care about:
- Components - Using components from UI libraries is easy, building them yourself is hard. We want to see if you have got what it takes to build robust, reusable components which are flexible enough to accomodate all the use cases possible for your UI.
- Fidelity - How close to the design did you get?
- Code quality - How reusable is your code?
- Approach - Why did you pick your architecture? What were the other approaches you considered?
- Estimation - You set the deadline for this. Your only obligation is to meet your own deadline.
If you are unable to complete all the tasks - make a product decision and explain to us why it was justified.
- Let us know how long you think this will take.
- Create a new branch with your name
- Open a PR against master
- Send a message to Abhishek when you are done