Map based captcha plugin for your Minecraft server.
- On player join, the player's inventory is cleared, and they are given an empty map.
- On right-click, the captcha will show.
- From there the player will have a fixed amount of time to complete the captcha.
- The player also has a limited number of tries.
- Once the time has reached or the tries limit has been reached the player is kicked.
- If the captcha is completed the player's items are returned to them.
- mapcha.bypass
- Allows the player to bypass the captcha.
# Title shown on the map
title: 'Captcha'
# Prefix used for the messages sent.
prefix: '[&aMapcha&r]'
# Commands the player is allowed to type while in captcha mode.
- /register
- /login
# Send the player to a connected server after captcha completion.
server_success: ''
# The success message the player receives after they solve the captcha.
success: Captcha &asolved!
# The retry message the player receives after they fail one of their tries.
retry: Captcha &efailed, &rplease try again. ({CURRENT}/{MAX})
# The fail message the player receives after they fail the captcha.
fail: Captcha &cfailed!
# Amount of tries the player will get to solve the captcha.
tries: 3
# The time limit in seconds the player has to solve the captcha.
time: 30
# The font that is used to render the captcha. (not recommended to change)
font: Arial
# Use black(white) background, white(black) foreground.
invert_color: false
# Draw points on the captcha image
points: true
# Draw lines on the captcha image
lines: true
# What inventory slot to give the map in. (between 0-8)
inventory_slot: 4
# Stop the player from breaking blocks before the captcha is complete.
break_blocks: false
# Stop the player from dropping items before the captcha is complete.
drop_items: false
# Hide other players when the player is completing the captcha.
hide_players: true
# Blind the player while they are completing the captcha.
blind_player: true
# Freeze the player while they are completing the captcha.
freeze_player: true
# Allows the player to only complete the captcha once per server restart.
cache: true