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Hans Lindetorp edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

The Send element acts as send bus in a mixer. It is typically placed within a Chain element to send a signal to another element in the structure before it's (also) passed to the next element. The destination of the Send element is set with the output attribute. The syntax for Connecting signals uses the standard CSS-selector syntax. The send element can be used in a mixer configuration to send a dry signal into a Chain with a ConvolverNode to add reverb or to use a Chain with a DelayNode create a delay with feedback. Read more about Connecting audio signals to understand how to route audio signals between elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Audio version="1.0">
  <Chain class="delay">
    <DelayNode delayTime="500" maxDelayTime="2000"></DelayNode>
    <GainNode gain="-3dB"></GainNode>
    <Send outputbus=".delay"></Send>

This example shows a Chain element with a DelayNode connected to a GainNode reducing the output with 3dB before its both sent back to the input of the Chain element and connected to the output of the Chain element. This makes the output that is connected to this chain repeat itself every 500 millisecond with the gain reduced each time until it can't be heard anymore. Please note that this example doesn't make any sound on its own. It requires a signal to be connected to the Chain element.

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