This repo is a playground for modern web development techniques with a focus on the React eco-system. It is rapidly changing to adopt new versions of popular packages and ideas from the community. The code shows how one can glue a mix of these packages together to create cool projects. In addition, the repo itself can serve as a starting point for new projects.
A live production build is always available on (admin:admin).
- Latest React
- Next-generation JavaScript using Babel 7
- React Hot Loader
- Module bundling using webpack 4
- Painless testing using Jest
Static type-checking using Flow(Rewritten to TypeScript!)- ESLint for linting and Prettier for auto-formatting
- Redux and react-router
- redux-observable and RxJS for managing async actions and side effects
- CSS Modules + PostCSS for next generation scoped CSS modules
A CI/CD pipeline is set up with GitHub Actions. The pipeline runs tests, linters, build docker images and publish them to the Package Registry and to Heroku.
This is not intended as a boilerplate, but rather to show how to use different things in the JavaScript/React eco-system. When starting out you should not add every bits and pieces at once, unless you know what you are doing. If you want everything setup and ready to go, use create-react-app!