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malex984 edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 17 revisions

Here is a list of authored suspicious commits for the following status:

Note: please strike whole commit lines, while noting about its resolution at the end, e.g. by pointing out to the corresponding SW commit.

The lists above are according to the following respository state:

and were generated using a variation of the following commands:

$ git cherry spielwiese master|grep '+ '|wc -l
866 commit with 'missing' changes...
$ git cherry spielwiese master|grep '+ '|sed -e 's/^[+] //g' > pp
$ cat pp | wc -l

NOTE: many changes may already be in SW, due to renameing/moving around.

Commit authors:

$ cat pp | xargs -n 1 git log -1 '--pretty=format:%an%n' | sort | uniq > aaa
$ cat aaa
Adrian Popescu
Alexander Dreyer
Andreas Steenpass
Bernhard R. Link
Burcin Erocal
Christian Eder
Daniel Andres
Hans Schoenemann
Janko Boehm
Martin Lee
Max Horn
Mohamed Barakat
Viktor Levandovskyy
Yue Ren

Detailed commit list:

$ cat pp | xargs -n 1 git log -1 '--pretty=format:%an[%ai]{%H}%s%n' | sort > llll