This project was created under a NSF-STEM grant as a pair to a curriculum to enable rural students to better understand and visualize sound waves.
The sound visualizer will visually representing sine waves being read in real time from the user's selected audio input. The user can stop the recording at any moment and then go back through the graph to further analyze the sound wave.
The oscillator allows the user to manipulate the properties of a sine wave and visually and auditorally see the outcomes. Additionally, they can visualize and hear how two different sound waves interact with eachother by manipulating the second sine wave and observing and hearing the overlay effect.
Both programs were written and run in pure Python.
Here you can observe the manipulating of the sine waves and the subsequent effect within the graphs. Additionally, you see the user press play to listen to the sound the wave would create.
Here you can observe the user choosing their built-in mic as their input, then making noises and observing the resulting sine waves, and subsequently stopping the audio to further analyze the resulting sine wave. is fully functional, graphing based on the audio input chosen by the user. is a fully functional oscillator where the user can generate two sine wave and hear and see them overlaid on top of each other.
The files denoted "practice," will remain in the repo while research is being done, but currently do not serve a purpose outside of idea generation.
These instructions will help you install the dependencies necessary to run this program.
Important Note: The latest version of Python is 3.7, but you must download 3.6 or below in order for PyAudio to work Go to python downloads and choose the option to download Python 3.6 and run the installer.
Securely download pip3 from this link.
In the terminal, navigate to the place where you have download the file:
cd <file path to where you downloaded file>
an example filepath would be /Users/Jim/Downloads
Once in the proper folder, run the following commands:
which pip3
Run the following commands in terminal:
pip3 install PyQt5
Run the following commands in terminal:
pip3 install matplotlib
Run the following commands in terminal:
curl | sudo python3
pip3 install PyAudio
Important Note: The latest version of Python is 3.7, but you must download 3.6 or below in order for PyAudio to work Go to python downloads and choose the option to download Python 3.6 and run the installer.
Run the following commands in terminal:
py -m pip install PyQt5
Run the following commands in terminal:
py -m pip install matplotlib
Run the following commands in terminal:
curl | py
py -m pip install PyAudio
If you are getting an error about C++ Visualizer, complete the following steps:
- Install Visual Studio here
- When installing, select: workload-> Visual C++ build tools; AND install options: select only the “Windows 10 SDK” (assuming the computer is Windows 10)
Go to terminal and navigate to where you have downloaded
cd <file path to where you downloaded file>
an example filepath would be /Users/Jim/Downloads
Once there, run the following command to run the program:
Go to terminal and navigate to where you have downloaded
cd <file path to where you downloaded file>
an example filepath would be /Users/Jim/Downloads
Once there, run the following command to run the program:
Go to terminal and navigate to where you have downloaded
cd <file path to where you downloaded file>
an example filepath would be /Users/Jim/Downloads
Once there, run the following command to run the program:
Go to terminal and navigate to where you have downloaded
cd <file path to where you downloaded file>
an example filepath would be /Users/Jim/Downloads
Once there, run the following command to run the program:
Start by installing pyinstaller using pip on your machine, then run the following command to create the packaged file:
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed <>