Please download the file "". The other two files were created by github and folder permissions were not setup right. If it is not working, please change the 'data' , 'files' and 'media' folder with permission 755.
RiteCMS is a simple, ultrafast & easy CMS (Content Management System) based on Php & Sqlite.
updates since v3.0.0
- It can be used as a blog CMS like WordPress. New files will be automatically added default news page defined in 'settings/default_as_blog' variable. Simple type in the news page name.
- Added database upgrade script
- CSS improvements
- Other improvements
Major updates to V2.X includes:
- Upgraded to Php7.
- CMS engine and other scripts are separate now. This makes it easy to upgrade and also possible to power multiple websites with one central CMS engine (folder). You simple create symbolic folder to the link. Back end entry script is located at the root folder.
- Built-in Phpcaptcha with Securimage.
- TinyMCE updated to v5.x
- Built-in carousal/slide show without the need of JQuery library.
- Templates engine updated to CSS3 such as flex-box support.
- Tested on NGINX server.
This version works out of the box for both desktop and mobile phones. You still have the option to use the .m switch to switch templates for a dedicated mobile website. - new backend entry script is admin.php located at root folder. This is different from version 2 which is basically is the CMS folder.
To install, please follow or visit
The good news is that database structure stays roughly the same. The 'more' column initially reserved for news pages is now related.
Bug report or feature request? please email
If you wan to contribute, please contact You can help translate language packages, design templates, even coding.