A network measurement tool based on STAMP, Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (RFC 8762).
pip install git+https://github.com/hanboyu/stamp.git
Launch the STAMPReflector ready to receive up to 10 flows:
STAMPReflector --reflector_iface <RECEIVER_INTERFACE> --reflector_ip <RECEIVER_IP>
Launch STAMPSender on your sender machine sending 10 flows with a probing rate of 10 pps for 60 seconds to your reflector at RECEIVER_IP.
STAMPSender --exp_name test_experiment --sender_ip <SENDER_IP> --sender_iface <SENDER_INTERFACE> --reflector_ip <RECEIVER_IP>
Command | Description |
--reflector_ip <IP_ADDRESS> |
IPv4 address of reflector. |
--reflector_iface <NETWORK_INTERFACE> |
Network interface for receiving STAMP packets. |
--reflector_port <SOURCE_PORT> |
Reflector UDP port (default 862). |
--num_flows <NUMBER_OF_FLOWS> |
Number of flows (default 10 flows). |
--duration <SECONDS> |
Duration of the probing in seconds or -1 to run indefinitely (default -1). |
Command | Description |
--exp_name <EXP_NAME> |
Name of the experiment. This argument is also use for the name of the output files |
--save_dir <DIRECTORY> |
Directory path to save the probing result (default is the current directory). |
--sender_ip <IP_ADDRESS> |
IPv4 address of sender. |
--sender_iface [NETWORK_INTERFACE ...] |
List of network interface of the sender. |
--reflector_ip <IP_ADDRESS> |
IPv4 address of reflector for receiving the probing packets. |
--reflector_port <DESTINATION_PORT> |
Reflector UDP port (default 862). |
--saving_period <SECOND> |
The number of seconds for the system to save the data to disk to free up RAM space. (Default = 1 seconds) |
--src_ports [SRC_PORTS ...] |
List of source ports used to send STAMP packets. |
--num_flows <NUMBER_OF_FLOWS> |
Number of flows. (Default 10) |
--duration <SECONDS> |
Duration of the probing in seconds. (Default 60 seconds) |
--rate <RATE> |
Probing rate in pkts/s. (Default 10 pkts/s) |
--set_seed <SEED> |
Set seed for random functions. (Default = 0) |
--collector <PATH> |
Specify eBPF collector for parsing stamp reply packets and storing measurement results. Provide the path to eBPF collector user space executable file, collector_user . A kernel space collector_kern.o file must be located in the same directory as the executable file. Eg. STAMPSender --exp_name test --collector /root/stamp-ebpf/src/collector/collector_user --sender_ip <SENDER_IP> --sender_iface <SENDER_IFACE> --reflector_ip <REFLECTOR_IP> |
This file contains the experiment parameter of each flow.
ssid | src_ip | dst_ip | src_port | dst_port | interval |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
This file contains the packet level raw data.
ssid | test_pkt_tx_timestamp | test_pkt_rx_timestamp | reply_pkt_tx_timestamp | reply_pkt_rx_timestamp |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
This file contains the parsed RTT data of each flow. Aggregate-Flow column represents the average RTT of all flow.
Time | Aggregate-Flow | flow_id_1 | ... | flow_id_n |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
srv6pm-delay-measurement: https://github.com/everywan-io/srv6pm-delay-measurement