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SnapEnhance LSPatch Generator

SnapEnhance is an Xposed mod that enhances your Snapchat experience.

This is Un-Offical repo to build the LSPatch Version.


This repository contains a GitHub Actions workflow for generating a Snapchat APK by using the SnapEnhance Module and creating a public release.


This solution provides a non-root method for enhancing Snapchat without needing to manually patch it every time there's an update. It automates the process by downloading the APK and patching it for you.

How to Use:

  1. Install SnapFirst: Install the SnapFirst app and login to your Snapchat account.
  2. Install SnapEnhance: Install V2 fo it.
  3. Update SnapLatest: Use SnapFirst to update Snapchat to the latest version, and you're done!

Get Started:

Download Both APK for SnapEnhance V2 from here.

First Time Instructions | METHOD FOR V1 OF SNAPENHANCE

  1. Install the latest snap-360-lspatched.apk
  2. Install the latest SnapEnhance apk
    • (If you don't know what version (armv8 or armv7) to download, check out this app and go into the CPU tab it will show you which version your phone supports)
  3. Done - ~have fun. MOD APK Image

SnapEnhance and Snapchat Update Instructions

Note: The following instructions apply only to non-rooted users.

SnapEnhance Update

  1. Download the new SnapEnhance apk update.
  2. Install the new SnapEnhance update without repatching Snapchat.
  3. Clear Mapping File in SnapEnhanced.

Snapchat Update

  1. When a new Snapchat update is available:
  2. Clear Mapping File in SnapEnhanced.

What's the working of Action

This GitHub Actions workflow automates the creation of a Snapchat Patch for Non-Root. Here's how it works:

  1. Snapchat Download: The action downloads the latest stable version of Snapchat from APKMirror.

  2. SnapEnhance Download: It also fetches the latest stable version of SnapEnhance from the original repository.

  3. Patch Build: The action then builds the patch version of Snapchat.

  4. Upload to Release: Finally, it uploads the patch to the GitHub repository's release tab.

Instructions for own Setup

  1. Fork this Repository: Click the "Fork" button to create your copy of this repository.

  2. Push Trigger: The workflow is triggered when push changes in a file You can adjust this path in the workflow configuration (on section).

  3. Download the Release: After the workflow completes, you can find the modified APK under the "Releases" tab. MOD APK Image


  • You can customize the release tag and name by editing the .github/workflows/main.yml file.
  • Modify the tag_name and release_name values in the "Create Release" step.


You can feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues and pull requests.