WTTextField is a customizable text field which provides the functionality of both floating placehodler and inline error.
- It has so many customizable properties so that you can change it according to your app theme.
- you can add your own textField in it if you have any default one for your project.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
WTTextField requires iOS 9.0 or later
WTTextField is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'WTTextField'
You can add WTTextField through your storyboard by subclassing your View and edit its properties right through from storyboard.
Or you can simply initialize the WTTextField instance by initWithFrame initializer:
let customTextfield = WTTextField(frame: .zero)
You can customize following properties of WTTextField:
- placeHolder
- placeHolderColor
- placeHolderFont
- placeHolderFloatFont
- textColor
- textFieldFont
- textFieldBackgroundColor
- TextFieldBorderwidth
- errorText
- errorFont
- errorColor
- animationDuration
To set the textfield in showing error state , you just have to set the errorText property, and it will let textfield to show the error. yes its that simple :)
customTextfield.errorText = "Invalid Email"
to hide the error , just set the same property to nil
customTextfield.errorText = nil
Have your own custom textfield of the project? No Problem , you can add your custom TextField to WTTextField to extend your textfield's fuctionality to showing floating placeholder and inline error.
That's all for now. Happy Coding :)
WasiAtFolio3, mwasi@folio3.com
WTTextField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.