Build a weather app where users can get weather information in real-time. We are to use the open weather API to make our API request. Practice Project of Google Africa Developer Scholarship
The website must use Html, CSS, and Javascript(No Javascript Framework)
The website must meet PWA criteria i.e
- Be able to register a service worker and provide offline access to cached weather searches.
- Must have a web app manifest in order for it to be installed on the user’s device.
- Must meet the web accessibility guidelines found here
Save weather searches on local storage in order to make the weather results persist on the page when a user reloads.
The website must be responsive on all screens.
You can audit your website using google lighthouse in your chrome developer tools, in the Audit tab.
Have a basic understanding of service workers and how to implement them.
Create a web app manifest.
Have an understanding of web accessibility guidelines and why it’s necessary.
Use Local storage.
Use an external API in JavaScript.
Responsive designs and media query.
The website is host using Firebase. Here is the link