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Progress in percentage of the solar system celestial bodies.


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Developer : Hamdy Abou El Anein

The index.html page is created in /var/www/html/
Put the pictures and the json file in the same directory to make it run.

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Planet : Earth
Day of the year : Day 351
Year progress : 96.16%
Percent of this year : [################################################_]

Satelite : Moon
Day of the year : Day 25
Year progress : 96.15%
Percent of this year : [################################################_]

Planet : Mercury
Day of the year : Day 32
Year progress : 35.96%
Percent of this year : [#################________________________________]

Planet : Venus
Day of the year : Day 121
Year progress : 56.28%
Percent of this year : [############################_____________________]

Planet : Mars
Day of the year : Day 458
Year progress : 66.57%
Percent of this year : [#################################________________]

Planet : Jupiter
Day of the year : Day 3197
Year progress : 73.87%
Percent of this year : [####################################-------------]

Planet : Saturn
Day of the year : Day 5988
Year progress : 55.86%
Percent of this year : [###########################----------------------]

Planet : Uranus
Day of the year : Day 1919
Year progress : 6.25%
Percent of this year : [###----------------------------------------------]

Planet : Neptune
Day of the year : Day 3486
Year progress : 5.65%
Percent of this year : [##-----------------------------------------------]