This plugin adds BIMI validation. It supports both VMC (see current ca.cert) and "externally verified" certificates/domains. It can also validates SVG image profiles as required by the BIMI specification. This plugin depends on libxml2 and its validation is based on a RelaxNG scheme.
Follow the instructions in our manual to add our package repository and then run the below command.
apt-get install halon-extras-bimi
yum install halon-extras-bimi
import { dmarc } from "extras://dmarc";
import { bimi, bimi_vmc, bimi_svg_check } from "extras://bimi";
$mail = $arguments["mail"];
$dmarc = dmarc($mail, $connection["remoteip"], $connection["helo"]["host"] ?? "", $transaction["senderaddress"]["domain"] ?? "");
$bimi = bimi($mail, $dmarc);
// Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)
if ($bimi["record"]["a"])
$bimi_vmc = bimi_vmc($bimi);
if ($bimi_vmc["indicator"])
$bimi_svg = bimi_svg_check($bimi_vmc["indicator"]);
if ($bimi_svg["valid"])
str_strip(array_join(pcre_match_all(#/(^(.{0,49})|(.{0,64}))/, base64_encode($bimi_vmc["indicator"]))[1], "\r\n ")),
["encode" => false]);
"v=BIMI1; l=".$bimi["record"]["l"]." a=".$bimi["record"]["a"]);
gethostname()."; bimi=pass header.d=".$bimi["domain"]." header.selector=".$bimi["selector"].
" policy.authority=pass policy.authority-uri=".$bimi["record"]["a"]);
// required by some email clients
$mail->signDKIM($selector, $domain, $key,
["additional_headers" => ["Authentication-Results"], "body_length" => 0]);
echo "BIMI SVG error: $bimi_vmc; $bimi; $bimi_svg";
echo "BIMI VMC error: $bimi_vmc; $bimi";
if ($bimi["error"] and $bimi["class"] != "dmarc" and $bimi["class"] != "dns")
echo "BIMI error: $bimi";
// Unverified
if ($bimi["record"]["l"])
$svg = http($bimi["record"]["l"], ["timeout" => 5, "max_file_size" => 512000, "tls_default_ca" => true]);
if ($svg)
$bimi_svg = bimi_svg_check($svg); // see plugin
if ($bimi_svg["valid"])
str_strip(array_join(pcre_match_all(#/(^(.{0,49})|(.{0,64}))/, base64_encode($svg))[1], "\r\n ")),
["encode" => false]);