Create boilerplate for flask web application
Install using pip
> pip install Flask-Boilerplate-Creator
run the Flask-Boilerplate-Creator
> python -m fbc
After running above command it will ask for other modules to be installed, if not leave it blank
Select modules to install
[0] flask-sqlalchemy
[1] flask-migrate
[2] flask-admin
[3] flask-wtf
[4] flask-session
Enter module index numbers separated by comma to add:
Enter pip command if default command is not working, in some os value for it may be python3 -m pip install
Enter pip command (default is 'python -m pip install'):
All ok, it will install the module now After installing all modules it will create files and folders on your system This operation will remove any file content or delete folder if exists
Installing modules: flask
using command python -m pip install
*Installing flask
##:- pip install output will be here
*Structure created successfully.
If you get error like module not found, run `python -m pip install -r requirements.txt` command.
Done - structure is created.