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DeadFinder Logo

Find dead-links (broken links)

Dead link (broken link) means a link within a web page that cannot be connected. These links can have a negative impact to SEO and Security. This tool makes it easy to identify and modify.


Install with Gem

gem install deadfinder


Install with Homebrew

brew install deadfinder


Docker Image

docker pull

Using In


deadfinder sitemap

Github Action

- name: Run DeadFinder
  uses: hahwul/deadfinder@1.6.1
  # or uses: hahwul/deadfinder@latest
  id: broken-link
    command: sitemap # url / file / sitemap
    # timeout: 10
    # concurrency: 50
    # silent: false
    # headers: "X-API-Key: 123444"
    # worker_headers: "User-Agent: Deadfinder Bot"
    # include30x: false
    # user_agent: "Apple"
    # proxy: "http://localhost:8070"

- name: Output Handling
  run: echo '${{ steps.broken-link.outputs.output }}'

If you have found a Dead Link and want to automatically add it as an issue, please refer to the "Automating Dead Link Detection" article.

Ruby Code

require 'deadfinder'

runner =
options = runner.default_options
options['concurrency'] = 30

DeadFinder.run_url('', options)
puts DeadFinder.output

# {"" => [""]}

For various examples and detailed usage, including sitemap, file, and other modes, please refer to the examples directory in the repository.


  deadfinder file <FILE>            # Scan the URLs from File. (e.g deadfinder file urls.txt)
  deadfinder help [COMMAND]         # Describe available commands or one specific command
  deadfinder pipe                   # Scan the URLs from STDIN. (e.g cat urls.txt | deadfinder pipe)
  deadfinder sitemap <SITEMAP-URL>  # Scan the URLs from sitemap.
  deadfinder url <URL>              # Scan the Single URL.
  deadfinder version                # Show version.

  r, [--include30x], [--no-include30x]  # Include 30x redirections
  c, [--concurrency=N]                  # Number of concurrency
                                        # Default: 50
  t, [--timeout=N]                      # Timeout in seconds
                                        # Default: 10
  o, [--output=OUTPUT]                  # File to write result (e.g., json, yaml, csv)
  f, [--output-format=OUTPUT_FORMAT]    # Output format
  H, [--headers=one two three]          # Custom HTTP headers to send with initial request
      [--worker-headers=one two three]  # Custom HTTP headers to send with worker requests
      [--user-agent=USER_AGENT]         # User-Agent string to use for requests
                                        # Default: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DeadFinder/1.6.1;)
  p, [--proxy=PROXY]                    # Proxy server to use for requests
  s, [--silent], [--no-silent]          # Silent mode
  v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]        # Verbose mode


# Scan the URLs from STDIN (multiple URLs)
cat urls.txt | deadfinder pipe

# Scan the URLs from File. (multiple URLs)
deadfinder file urls.txt

# Scan the Single URL.
deadfinder url

# Scan the URLs from sitemap. (multiple URLs)
deadfinder sitemap

JSON Handling

deadfinder sitemap \
  -o output.json
cat output.json | jq
  "Origin URL": [
    "DeadLink URL",
    "DeadLink URL",
    "DeadLink URL"

Contributions Welcome!

We welcome contributions from everyone! If you have an idea for an improvement or want to report a bug:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix (e.g., feature/awesome-feature or bugfix/annoying-bug).
  • Make your changes.
  • Commit your changes with a clear commit message.
  • Push to the branch.
  • Submit a Pull Request (PR) to our main branch.

We'll review your PR as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to our project!
