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Android base MVP Kotlin


Requirements :

Min SDK Version 21
Target SDK Version 28
Check the compileSdkVersion, and buildToolsVersion to be the latest
Build Tools Version 28.0.3
Java 1.8

How to use this base project

  1. Download or cline this project then change package id (id.example.mvp) to your package id
  2. You can change package ID easily using this script
  3. Open the project in Android Studio
  4. Profit

How to implement a new screen following MVP

Imagine you have to implement a sign in screen.

  1. Create a new package under feature directory called signin
  2. Create an new Activity called SignInActivity
  3. Create a new interface called SignInView that extends MvpView. Add functions like fun showSignInSuccessfull()
  4. Create a SignInPresenter class that extends BasePresenter<SignInView>.
  5. Create a SignInModule class that will provide presenter class. Sample code:
class SignInModule {

    fun providesSignInPresenter(dataManager: DataManager): SignInPresenter = SignInPresenter(dataManager)
  1. Implement functions in SignInPresenter that your Activity requires to perform the necessary actions, e.g. signIn(email: String). Once the sign in action finishes you should call mvpView?.showSignInSuccessful().
  2. Create a SignInPresenterTest and write unit tests for signIn(email). Remember to mock the SignInView and also the DataManager.
  3. Make your activity implement SignInView and implement the required functions like showSignInSuccessful()
  4. In your activity, inject a new instance of SignInPresenter and call presenter.attachView(this) from override function attachView() and presenter.detachView() from override function detachView(). In onCreate() inject that activity, like this: AndroidInjection.inject(this)
  5. Open file FeatureModule.kt in directory core/di/module and add abstract function for SignInActivity.
    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [SignInModule::class])
    abstract fun bindSignInActivity(): SignInActivity

Library :


Base MVP Kotlin






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