This is the implementation of paper "Optical-Flow-Reuse-Based Bidirectional Recurrence Network for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution".
password: opd3
We are good in the environment:
python 3.7
CUDA 9.1
Pytorch 1.5.0
To test on vimeo,
cd src
python --datapath VIMEOPATH --outputpath OUTPUTPATH --weight PATHTOWEIGHT
To test on REDS,
cd src
python --datapath REDSPATH --outputpath OUTPUTPATH --weight PATHTOWEIGHT
To test on VID4,
cd src
python --datapath VID4PATH --outputpath OUTPUTPATH --weight PATHTOWEIGHT
you should specify the GT path and output path first, and run:
cd src
or you may directly get all evaluation results in src/evaluation_results
cd src
We have conducted a series of video spatiotemporal super-resolution-related works, which include not only OFR-BRN but also:
- Yuantong Zhang, Huairui Wang, Zhenzhong Chen: Controllable Space-Time Video Super-Resolution via Enhanced Bidirectional Flow Warping. VCIP 2022
- Yuantong Zhang, Daiqin Yang, Zhenzhong Chen, Wenpeng Ding: Continuous Space-Time Video Super-Resolution with Multi-stage Motion Information Reorganization. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications.
- Yuantong Zhang, Hanyou Zheng, Daiqin Yang, Zhenzhong Chen, Haichuan Ma, Wenpeng Ding: Space-Time Video Super-resolution with Neural Operator. CoRR abs/2404.06036 (2024)
Our code is built on
We thank the authors for sharing their codes!