A burger devouring app using the MVC architectural pattern
- Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Express.js
- HTTP Requests (GET, POST)
- Routes and static content
- Handlebars engine integration
- Node.js
- Backend API calls
- Handlebars Templates and Layouts
- MySQL / JawsDB
Node.js - Eat-Da-Burger requires Node to be installed
To install node visit Node.js Website and install node for your operating system.
Clone the Git repository
$ git clone <repo>
Navigate to the directory and install the dependencies
$ npm install
Create a MySQL database and run the following files to set up the schema
- db/schema.sql
- db/seeds.sql
Configure the database connection settings in config/connection.js
Navigate to the repository folder and run server.js to start
$ node server.js
Navigate to localhost:3000 in the browser
Add burgers to the New Burgers List and eat them!