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Polyglot creates a blade directive @polyglot that you can add to your master blade file. This will then export a global variable Polyglot where all of your app's current locale translation keys are stored. The root object keys are base from the defined translation files located in the Polyglot's configuration file.


  1. composer require hadefication/polyglot
  2. Add Hadefication\Polyglot\PolyglotServiceProvider::class to your config/app.php under the providers array. This step is not needed for version 5.5 and above where package auto-discovery is introduced.
  3. Include @polyglot blade directive to your master blade file on top of your JavaScript files -- probably in the header or before the body tag ends.


Once installed, this package will then expose a Polyglot variable where all of your current locale translation keys are stored.

A nifty JavaScript helper function will be exposed too that you can use to translate translation keys like what we're doing in Laravel. Accidentally named it trans too. See examples below for more details on trans helper function.


Without param


// Should return the equivalent translation of the supplied key

Translations with params

trans('validation.required', {attribute: 'email'});

// Should return the equivalent translation of the supplied key including the supplied params


A configuration file is included too to customize the translation files that will be loaded to Polyglot. To publish the included config file, run php artisan vendor:publish.

Artisan Command

An artisan command is also provided where it will dump a JavaScript file that houses all collected translation keys including the importable route method helper. Upon using this approach, including the @polyglot blade directive won't be necessary.

php artisan polyglot:dump

The command above should dump a JavaScript file named polyglot.js in your /resources/assets/js directory. You can also supply --path=/path/to/where/the/dump/file/will/be/exported to dumpt the file in other location. The command should look like php artisan polyglot:dump --path=./resources/assets/js/vendor/polyglot.js.

// ES6
import './path/to/polyglot';

// Old School

The code above should be added to your bootstrap file or to the main JavaScript file if you have a custom entry point.

Laravel Mix

You can also automate the dumping by installing a webpack plugin that runs a simple artisan command on every build so you are sure that you got the latest translation files included in your build. Follow steps below:

  1. Install the webpack shell plugin: npm install --save-dev webpack-shell-plugin or yarn add --dev webpack-shell-plugin
  2. Include the plugin to your webpack.mix.js file:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
const WebpackShellPlugin = require('webpack-shell-plugin');

    plugins: [
        new WebpackShellPlugin({ onBuildStart: ['php artisan polyglot:dump'], onBuildEnd: [] }),

  1. Done! This will run php artisan polyglot:dump on start of the build so you get the latest translation files.