The goal of hplot is to provide a simple way to include an array of pre-defined base R graphics and helpers. They include many that I use personally. I have distilled functions from rutilsMH, rforcpue, and other of my packages. I will list the origins in the readme each time I include a new function.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
2023-0928 hplot 0.0.7 Added first version of plotcompdata
2023-07-19 hplot 0.0.6 Change xlabel and ylabel to xlab and ylab!
2023-01-18 hplot 0.0.4 Added median to output stats from addnorm, modified categoryplot and plotxyy
2022-09-05 hplot 0.0.3 Added RGB, which is a wrapper for using rgb with numbered or named colours and a maxColorValue=255.
2022-09-04 hplot 0.0.2 Added makepolygon, which simplifies the generation of the input data for a polygon.