Application to Exhibit
Phone Number
Cell phone number for emergency contact during event
What best describes you?
- an individual
- a small group of friends
- a college or high school club
- non for profit or open source
- a startup/company (under 5 people)
- a company
Brief description of you (or company) 300 max characters
23,882 high school hackers from around the world who code together.
Website Link
YouTube Link
Instagram Link
Twitter Link
Did you exhibit at Open Sauce 2023?
- Yes
- No
Simple one line description of booth
How would you explain your booth in fewest words possible? (World's Largest Keyboard). 50 max characters
What are you showcasing at your booth?
Explain your booth with many words.
Hack Club is a nonprofit network of high school coding clubs and teenage makers around the world. We'll bring a couple projects built by teenagers ranging from a PCB tilt detector to an open-source pen plotter.
In addition to the technical projects we have, we'll pass out sticker and posers for a few of our programs:
- Days of Service ( is an initiative to support girls learning to code
- HCB ( is a fiscal sponsor for high school led projects
Is your booth interactive?
Attendees are touching, playing, controlling, building... (Motion capture game, giant keyboard, egg drop)
- Yes
- No
How many people will you need to run your booth?
(Including yourself)
- 1-3
- 4-9
- 10+ (OR THIS ONE)
Do you require internet?
- No
- I'm Afraid to say no
- My exibit would be cooler with it
- My exibit will not work without it (THIS ONE)
Do you plan to sell anything?
- Yes
- No
Do you need a booth bigger than 8ft x 8ft?
- Yes
- No
List things you need to plug into an electrical wall outlet
- Monitors (x4)
- at least 2-3 laptops
New line for each item
Do you have 220v, or 3-phase power requirements?
- Yes
- No
Do you have any special requests for your booth (please explain)
Upload photos of what you're showcasing (limit to 4 photos)
What categories best describe your booth?
Please limit to 3 selections
- 3D Printing
- AI
- Arduino
- Art
- Big
- Collection
- Cosplay
- Electronics
- Flight
- Food
- Game
- High Voltage
- Interactive
- Makerspace
- Manufacturing
- Music
- Open Source
- Photography
- RC
- Robot
- Rocket
- Science
- Software
- Spectacle
- Vehicle
- VR
- Wacky
- Other
Will you be showing anything potentially dangerous?
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit need an air compressor?
- Yes
- No
Will you require a standoff distance from spectators?
- Yes
- No
Will you be using lithium polymer batteries?
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit contain flashing lights?
Flashing lights 5 to 30 Hz can trigger epileptic seizures
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit use fuel?
Gasoline, wood, propane, coal, etc
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit use more than 1 gallon of liquid?
Water, oil, pee
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit contain hydraulics?
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit contain pneumatics?
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit contain fire?
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit contain lasers?
Laser pointer, laser cutter
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit store large amounts of energy? (kinetic or potential)
Flywheels, air tank, batteries, capacitor bank, springs, etc....
- Yes
- No
Is your exhibit loud?
Music, engine, sound machine, high voltage, external speakers
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit smell?
Fumes, food, fragrance
- Yes
- No
Is your exhibit over 6 feet tall?
1.8288 meters
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit emit radio waves? (NOT small wifi or bluetooth modules)
You'll know if this question is for you.
- Yes
- No
Does your exhibit emit ionizing radiation?
Examples: Cloud chamber or x-ray machine
- Yes
- No
Are you a robot?
Provided by reCAPTCHA
- I'm not a robot