Warp 2 wraps Python 2 code and allows access to it by running in in a subprocess.
It communicates with the subprocess using pickle, so there are limitation to using it - if you need to send unpicklable data, that's a problem.
$ pip install warp2
here's a Python 2 class of a greeter that tracks a word count:
# this is in Python 2
import collections
class Greeter( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._counts = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 0 )
def say( self, what ):
print what
self._counts[ what ] += 1
return 'said: {}'.format( what )
def counts( self ):
return dict( self._counts )
here's how to use it from Python 3, note that you must provide a thing
object for the Warp 2 library to use:
# this is in Python 3
import warp2.warper
import random
greeter = warp2.warper.Warper( 'import greeter ; thing=greeter.Greeter()' )
for _ in range( 10 ):
greeting = random.choice( [ 'hi', 'hello', "what's up", 'how are you' ] )
greeter.say( greeting )
print( "summary: " )
print( greeter.counts() )
Here's how to run this example from the root of this project (once warp2 is installed of course)
$ PYTHONPATH=examples/ python examples/three.py
what's up
how are you
what's up
how are you
how are you
what's up
{'how are you': 3, 'hi': 2, 'hello': 2, "what's up": 3}