StarHQ is a DI(dependency injection) included web framework for MSA(micro-service arcihtecture) using RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis and Consul.
StarHQ is inspired by Island, but made it easier to use.
$ npm i starhq
Client <-> GatewayStar <-> RabbitMQ <-> HelloStar <-> (RabbitMQ, Redis)
I personally recommend you to use Controller - Service - Repository
structure to build the app.
- Controller takes the responsibility for the taking and validating parameters.
- Service takes the responsilbilty for all the business logics.
- Repository takes the responsibility for dealing with Storages like MongoDB, Redis, Consul, etc.
Name | Default | Description |
CONSUL_URL | consul | |
CONSUL_PORT | "8500" | |
CONSUL_TOKEN | 01CE1A0F-F2CB-3BA5-B21F-3048816B5928 | |
MQ_URL | rabbitmq | |
MQ_PORT | "5672" | |
MONGO_URL | mongo | |
MONGO_PORT | "27017" | |
MONGO_DB | test | |
LOG_LEVEL | debug |
// app.ts
import * as uuid4 from 'uuid/v4'
import { Star, Decorator, Di, Param, IEvent, logger } from 'starhq';
import rpc = Decorator.Endpoint.rpc;
import rest =;
import Request = Param.Request;
import inject = Di.inject;
import worker = Decorator.Event.worker;
import fanout = Decorator.Event.fanout;
// Your starting point
class EchoStar extends Star {
async postInitialize() {
new EchoStar('echo').run();
// Endpoint example
export class EndpointController {
@rest('GET /echo')
async echo(req: Request): Promise<string> {
return 'pong';
@rest('GET /echo/:id')
async echoUserId(req: Request): Promise<string> {
const { id } = req.params;
return `user id: ${id}`;
// Event example
export class EchoEvent implements IEvent<string> {
key: string;
publishedAt: Date;
constructor(public root: string, public body: string) {
this.key = 'user.echo';
this.publishedAt = new Date();
export class EventController {
async onWorker(event: EchoEvent): Promise<void> {
const { root, key, body } = event;`Round Robin Event ${key} : ${root} => ${body}`);
@fanout('user.echo') // use key name directly
async onFanout(event: EchoEvent): Promise<void> {
const { root, key, body } = event;`Fanout Event ${key} => ${root} => ${body}`);
// RPC example
export class RpcController {
constructor(@inject private service: Service) {
async echo(param): Promise<string> {
return this.service.echo(param.text);
// Service
class Service {
constructor(@inject private messageDust: MessageDust,
@inject private repository: Repository) {
async echo(text: string): Promise<string> {
const res = await this.repository.echo(text);
await this.messageDust.publishEvent(new EchoEvent(uuid4().toString(), res));
return res;
// Repository
class Repository {
async echo(text: string): Promise<string> {
return text;
and run the server
$ tsc
$ node app.js