Tinie is tiny framework that simply converts JavaScript functions into Restful APIs inspired by Tanmoy741127/lumi
- Create Restful API route from javascript functions
- Validate parameter with type or types
- Support depth(/) and dash(-) route from function's name
- Tinie server wrtten with Fastify
- Install tinie from npm
$ npm install tinie
- Write functions and join function into Tinie
import Tinie from "./tinie";
// uppercase replace with dash(-), ex) /helloWorld -> /hello-world
// underscore(_) replace with slash(/), ex) /hello_world -> /hello/world
// So, CalculatorExample_test -> /calculator-example/test
const CalculatorExample_test = (
operation: "add" | "subtract" | "multiply" | "divide" = "divide", // if you set default value on parameter, it's optional
a: number,
b: number
) => {
switch (operation) {
case "add":
return a + b;
case "subtract":
return a - b;
case "multiply":
return a * b;
case "divide":
return a / b;
const calculatorParamTypes = {
operation: ["string"], // if you set array on value, it's meant "or"
a: "number",
b: "number"
const tinie = new Tinie()
types: calculatorParamTypes
- Done, Let's check!
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"operation": "add", "a": 4, "b": 2}'
- 1-Dimensional parameter parsing
- Multi-Dimensional parameter parsing
- Advanced type checker