A tool to create, edit and share Telegra.ph pages on iOS. Works via Telegraph API.
Telegraph icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon
Differeneces from Telegram bot
- Unlimited accounts
- Access token is encrypted, but can be copied or revoked
- SwiftLint
- RichTextEditor (now is archived and no longer supported)
- Telegraph API (requiers internet connection to load and submit pages)
- MVC architecture
- KeyChain
- Core Data
- DispatchQueue
- Single-tone
Telegraph app stores Profiles - units that allow to create and edit Pages.
Profile is a main application unit that is composed by Telegraph API data and local data such as profile pictures. For security reasons, each app profile is assigned with UUID and split on encrypted and non-encrypted parts. More details in ERD below:
Page is a Telegraph API unit that is stored in Telegraph database. Can be accessed only with internet connection and corresponding profile key.