This repository contains shared R code for Group 1 lab assignments, HUDM 5123 Linear Models & Experimental Design, Fall 2021.
This course provides an overview of experimental design and analysis from the perspective of the general linear modeling framework. Topics include theory of experimental design, single and multiple factor experiments, between-subject and within-subject designs, factorial and nested designs, random effects, analysis of covariance, and blocking.
Below are the list topics covered. See lab_code folder for corresponding R code:
- Lab 1: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using GLM Framework
- Lab 2: Measures of Effect, Association, and Assumptions for ANOVA
- Lab 3: Pairwise and Complex Contrasts in One-Way ANOVA
- Lab 4: Planned Pairwise Comparisons and Corrections for Type I Error Rate
- Lab 13: One-way Mixed Effects Repeated Measures
Normal Q-Q Plot
Interaction Plot with Effect Heterogeneity - The interaction plot below shows that different treatments have differential effects on a given outcome variable based on individual's working status. In particular, this plot shows that treatment has a differential effect on the outcome for individuals that are not working, whereas the effect of treatment is not differential for individuals that are working.
Split Plot Design Boxplot with within (angles) and between (age group) factors
dat2$treatmentF <- factor(x = dat2$treatmentstatus,
levels = c(0, 1, 2),
labels = c("Control", "Spillover", "Treatment"))
# examine variance by group
(vars_p <- by(data = dat2$r2_know_sexual_violence,
INDICES = dat2$treatmentF,
FUN = var, na.rm = TRUE))
# Levene's Test
leveneTest(r2_know_sexual_violence ~ treatmentF, data = dat2)
# generate full model and use model in Q-Q Plot
lmF <- lm(r2_know_sexual_violence ~ treatmentF,
data = dat2)
# Omnibus test of the null with one-way ANOVA
lmF <- lm(r2_know_sexual_violence ~ treatmentF,
data = dat2)
# Follow up ombnibus with pairwise comparisons
emm1 <- emmeans(object = lmF,
specs = ~ treatmentF)
# for multiple comparisons, control for Type I error rate
# using relevant correction
pairs(x = emm1,
adjust = "Tukey")
Within-subjects, repeated measures designs often use wide data formats, especially for calculating variance-covariance and correlations.
# Add an id number
(dat_long <- dat %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>% relocate(id))
# Transform to long format
dat_long <-
dat_long %>% pivot_longer(cols = Day1:Day4, # ?tidyr_tidy_select
names_to = "Day", # name of the new factor
names_prefix = "Day", # characters to drop from levels
values_to = "Weight") # name of the stacked variable
print(dat_long, n = Inf)
# Now transform back to wide format.
dat_wide <- dat_long %>% pivot_wider(id_cols = id,
names_from = "Day",
names_prefix = "Day",
values_from = "Weight")
The packages and code below can be run for a mixed effects framework.
#random intercept model; we fit a random intercept model based on subject id
lmer1 <- lmer(Weight ~ Day + (1|id), data = dat_long)