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Merge branch 'main' into handle_retro_import_error
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guyueh1 authored Dec 3, 2024
2 parents c9b3afe + c6055d5 commit a196fa9
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Showing 75 changed files with 7,359 additions and 638 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/release.yml
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Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,15 @@ on:
description: Ref (SHA or branch name) to release
required: true
type: string
description: Do not publish a wheel and GitHub release.
required: true
default: true
type: boolean

uses: NVIDIA/NeMo-FW-CI-templates/.github/workflows/_release_library.yml@v0.12.3
uses: NVIDIA/NeMo-FW-CI-templates/.github/workflows/_release_library.yml@v0.15.0
release-ref: ${{ inputs.release-ref }}
image-name: nemo_container
Expand All @@ -35,8 +40,10 @@ jobs:
python-package: nemo
container-workdir: /workspace
library-name: Neural Modules
dry-run: ${{ inputs.dry-run }}
PAT: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion docs/source/asr/datasets.rst
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Expand Up @@ -642,9 +642,11 @@ Some other Lhotse related arguments we support:
Specifying this option will result in ``manifest_filepaths`` and ``tarred_audio_filepaths`` being ignored.
* ``shar_path``
Can be provided to read data from a Lhotse Shar manifest instead of a NeMo manifest.
Specifying this option will result in ``manifest_filepaths`` and ``tarred_audio_filepaths`` being ignored.
This argument can be a string (single Shar directory), a list of strings (Shar directories),
or a list of 2-item lists, where the first item is a Shar directory path, and the other is a sampling weight.
Specifying this option will result in ``manifest_filepaths`` and ``tarred_audio_filepaths`` being ignored.
The user can also provide a dict mapping Lhotse Shar fields to a list of shard paths with data for that field.
For details about Lhotse Shar format, see: |tutorial_shar|
* ``bucket_duration_bins``
Duration bins are a list of float values (seconds) that when provided, will skip the initial bucket bin estimation
and save some time. It has to have a length of ``num_buckets - 1``. An optimal value can be obtained by running CLI:
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ Language Support Matrix
| Marathi | mr | | x | | |
| Hindi | hi | x | x | | |
| Japanese | ja | x | x | | |

See :ref:`Grammar customization <wfst_customization>` for grammar customization details.
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions examples/audio/
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Expand Up @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ def main(cfg: ProcessConfig) -> ProcessConfig:
raise RuntimeError('Model does not have a sampler')

if cfg.audio_dir is not None:
input_dir = cfg.audio_dir
filepaths = list(glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.audio_dir, f"**/*.{cfg.audio_type}"), recursive=True))
# get filenames from manifest
Expand All @@ -193,6 +194,15 @@ def main(cfg: ProcessConfig) -> ProcessConfig:
audio_file = manifest_dir / audio_file

# common path for all files
common_path = os.path.commonpath(filepaths)
if Path(common_path).is_relative_to(manifest_dir):
# if all paths are relative to the manifest, use manifest dir as input dir
input_dir = manifest_dir
# use the parent of the common path as input dir
input_dir = Path(common_path).parent

if cfg.max_utts is not None:
# Limit the number of utterances to process
filepaths = filepaths[: cfg.max_utts]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +248,7 @@ def autocast():
)"Finished processing {len(filepaths)} files!")
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
# Sortformer Diarizer is an end-to-end speaker diarization model that is solely based on Transformer-encoder type of architecture.
# Model name convention for Sortformer Diarizer: sortformer_diarizer_<loss_type>_<speaker count limit>-<version>.yaml
# (Example) `sortformer_diarizer_hybrid_loss_4spk-v1.yaml`.
# Sortformer Diarizer model checkpoint (.ckpt) and NeMo file (.nemo) contain Fast Conformer Encoder model (NEST Encoder) and the pre-trained NEST model is loaded along with the Transformer Encoder layers.
# Example: a manifest line for training
# {"audio_filepath": "/path/to/audio01.wav", "offset": 390.83, "duration": 90.00, "text": "-", "num_speakers": 2, "rttm_filepath": "/path/to/audio01.rttm"}
name: "SortFormerDiarizer"
num_workers: 18
batch_size: 8

sample_rate: 16000
pil_weight: 0.5 # Weight for Permutation Invariant Loss (PIL) used in training the Sortformer diarizer model
ats_weight: 0.5 # Weight for Arrival Time Sort (ATS) loss in training the Sortformer diarizer model
max_num_of_spks: 4 # Maximum number of speakers per model; currently set to 4

fc_d_model: 512 # Hidden dimension size of the Fast-conformer Encoder
tf_d_model: 192 # Hidden dimension size of the Transformer Encoder

manifest_filepath: ???
sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate}
num_spks: ${model.max_num_of_spks}
session_len_sec: 90 # Maximum session length in seconds
soft_label_thres: 0.5 # Threshold for binarizing target values; higher values make the model more conservative in predicting speaker activity.
soft_targets: False # If True, use continuous values as target values when calculating cross-entropy loss
labels: null
batch_size: ${batch_size}
shuffle: True
num_workers: ${num_workers}
validation_mode: False
# lhotse config
use_lhotse: False
use_bucketing: True
num_buckets: 10
bucket_duration_bins: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
pin_memory: True
min_duration: 10
max_duration: 90
batch_duration: 400
quadratic_duration: 1200
bucket_buffer_size: 20000
shuffle_buffer_size: 10000
window_stride: ${model.preprocessor.window_stride}
subsampling_factor: ${model.encoder.subsampling_factor}

manifest_filepath: ???
is_tarred: False
tarred_audio_filepaths: null
sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate}
num_spks: ${model.max_num_of_spks}
session_len_sec: 90 # Maximum session length in seconds
soft_label_thres: 0.5 # A threshold value for setting up the binarized labels. The higher the more conservative the model becomes.
soft_targets: False
labels: null
batch_size: ${batch_size}
shuffle: False
num_workers: ${num_workers}
validation_mode: True
# lhotse config
use_lhotse: False
use_bucketing: False
drop_last: False
pin_memory: True
window_stride: ${model.preprocessor.window_stride}
subsampling_factor: ${model.encoder.subsampling_factor}

manifest_filepath: null
is_tarred: False
tarred_audio_filepaths: null
sample_rate: 16000
num_spks: ${model.max_num_of_spks}
session_len_sec: 90 # Maximum session length in seconds
soft_label_thres: 0.5
soft_targets: False
labels: null
batch_size: ${batch_size}
shuffle: False
seq_eval_mode: True
num_workers: ${num_workers}
validation_mode: True
# lhotse config
use_lhotse: False
use_bucketing: False
drop_last: False
pin_memory: True
window_stride: ${model.preprocessor.window_stride}
subsampling_factor: ${model.encoder.subsampling_factor}

_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.AudioToMelSpectrogramPreprocessor
normalize: "per_feature"
window_size: 0.025
sample_rate: ${model.sample_rate}
window_stride: 0.01
window: "hann"
features: 80
n_fft: 512
frame_splicing: 1
dither: 0.00001

_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.sortformer_modules.SortformerModules
num_spks: ${model.max_num_of_spks} # Number of speakers per model. This is currently fixed at 4.
dropout_rate: 0.5 # Dropout rate
fc_d_model: ${model.model_defaults.fc_d_model}
tf_d_model: ${model.model_defaults.tf_d_model} # Hidden layer size for linear layers in Sortformer Diarizer module

_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConformerEncoder
feat_in: ${model.preprocessor.features}
feat_out: -1
n_layers: 18
d_model: ${model.model_defaults.fc_d_model}

# Sub-sampling parameters
subsampling: dw_striding # vggnet, striding, stacking or stacking_norm, dw_striding
subsampling_factor: 8 # must be power of 2 for striding and vggnet
subsampling_conv_channels: 256 # set to -1 to make it equal to the d_model
causal_downsampling: false
# Feed forward module's params
ff_expansion_factor: 4
# Multi-headed Attention Module's params
self_attention_model: rel_pos # rel_pos or abs_pos
n_heads: 8 # may need to be lower for smaller d_models
# [left, right] specifies the number of steps to be seen from left and right of each step in self-attention
att_context_size: [-1, -1] # -1 means unlimited context
att_context_style: regular # regular or chunked_limited
xscaling: true # scales up the input embeddings by sqrt(d_model)
untie_biases: true # unties the biases of the TransformerXL layers
pos_emb_max_len: 5000
# Convolution module's params
conv_kernel_size: 9
conv_norm_type: 'batch_norm' # batch_norm or layer_norm or groupnormN (N specifies the number of groups)
conv_context_size: null
# Regularization
dropout: 0.1 # The dropout used in most of the Conformer Modules
dropout_pre_encoder: 0.1 # The dropout used before the encoder
dropout_emb: 0.0 # The dropout used for embeddings
dropout_att: 0.1 # The dropout for multi-headed attention modules
# Set to non-zero to enable stochastic depth
stochastic_depth_drop_prob: 0.0
stochastic_depth_mode: linear # linear or uniform
stochastic_depth_start_layer: 1

_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.transformer.transformer_encoders.TransformerEncoder
num_layers: 18
hidden_size: ${model.model_defaults.tf_d_model} # Needs to be multiple of num_attention_heads
inner_size: 768
num_attention_heads: 8
attn_score_dropout: 0.5
attn_layer_dropout: 0.5
ffn_dropout: 0.5
hidden_act: relu
pre_ln: False
pre_ln_final_layer_norm: True

_target_: nemo.collections.asr.losses.bce_loss.BCELoss
weight: null # Weight for binary cross-entropy loss. Either `null` or list type input. (e.g. [0.5,0.5])
reduction: mean

lr: 0.0001
name: adamw
lr: ${}
# optimizer arguments
betas: [0.9, 0.98]
weight_decay: 1e-3

name: InverseSquareRootAnnealing
warmup_steps: 2500
warmup_ratio: null
min_lr: 1e-06

devices: 1 # number of gpus (devices)
accelerator: gpu
max_epochs: 800
max_steps: -1 # computed at runtime if not set
num_nodes: 1
strategy: ddp_find_unused_parameters_true # Could be "ddp"
accumulate_grad_batches: 1
deterministic: True
enable_checkpointing: False
logger: False
log_every_n_steps: 1 # Interval of logging.
val_check_interval: 1.0 # Set to 0.25 to check 4 times per epoch, or an int for number of iterations

use_datetime_version: False
exp_dir: null
name: ${name}
resume_if_exists: True
resume_from_checkpoint: null # The path to a checkpoint file to continue the training, restores the whole state including the epoch, step, LR schedulers, apex, etc.
resume_ignore_no_checkpoint: True
create_tensorboard_logger: True
create_checkpoint_callback: True
create_wandb_logger: False
monitor: "val_f1_acc"
mode: "max"
save_top_k: 9
every_n_epochs: 1
resume: True
name: null
project: null
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Postprocessing parameters for timestamp outputs from speaker diarization models.
# This speaker diarization postprocessing scheme is inspired by the postprocessing procedure in the following paper:
# Medennikov, Ivan, et al. "Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection: a Novel Approach for Multi-Speaker Diarization in a Dinner Party Scenario." (2020).
# These parameters were optimized with hybrid-loss trained Sortformer model introduced in
# These parameters were optimized on CallHome Dataset from the NIST SRE 2000 Disc8, especially from the part1 (callhome1) specified in: Kaldi, “Kaldi x-vector recipe v2,”
# Trial 24682 finished with value: 0.10257785779242055 and parameters: {'onset': 0.53, 'offset': 0.49, 'pad_onset': 0.23, 'pad_offset': 0.01, 'min_duration_on': 0.42, 'min_duration_off': 0.34}. Best is trial 24682 with value: 0.10257785779242055.
onset: 0.53 # Onset threshold for detecting the beginning and end of a speech
offset: 0.49 # Offset threshold for detecting the end of a speech
pad_onset: 0.23 # Adding durations before each speech segment
pad_offset: 0.01 # Adding durations after each speech segment
min_duration_on: 0.42 # Threshold for small non-speech deletion
min_duration_off: 0.34 # Threshold for short speech segment deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Postprocessing parameters for timestamp outputs from speaker diarization models.
# This speaker diarization postprocessing scheme is inspired by the postprocessing procedure in the following paper:
# Medennikov, Ivan, et al. "Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection: a Novel Approach for Multi-Speaker Diarization in a Dinner Party Scenario." (2020).
# These parameters were optimized with hybrid-loss trained Sortformer model introduced in
# These parameters were optimized on the development split of DIHARD3 dataset (See
# Trial 732 finished with value: 0.12171946949255649 and parameters: {'onset': 0.64, 'offset': 0.74, 'pad_onset': 0.06, 'pad_offset': 0.0, 'min_duration_on': 0.1, 'min_duration_off': 0.15}. Best is trial 732 with value: 0.12171946949255649.
onset: 0.64 # Onset threshold for detecting the beginning and end of a speech
offset: 0.74 # Offset threshold for detecting the end of a speech
pad_onset: 0.06 # Adding durations before each speech segment
pad_offset: 0.0 # Adding durations after each speech segment
min_duration_on: 0.1 # Threshold for small non-speech deletion
min_duration_off: 0.15 # Threshold for short speech segment deletion

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