ILua is a feature-packed, portable console and Jupyter kernel for the Lua language.
- Lua-implementation agnostic
- Should work with any lua interpreter out of the box
- Works with Lua5.1-5.3, LuaJIT and even some exotic implementations like GopherLua
- Easy to port to embedded interpreters
- Code completions
- Code inspection
- Retrieve function documentation
- Can even retrieve the function source if available (invoked with ??)
- Pretty-printed results
- Access last result with _
- Cross-session execution history
- Works on Linux and Windows
- No native dependencies for Lua
- Python's pip based installation
pip install ilua
# From source
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ilua
pip install -e . --user
python install_data -d ~/.local # pip install -e . forgets data_files...
As opposed to existing Lua Jupyter kernels which implement the Jupyter protocol in Lua (and depend on lzmq which is a native module), ILua implements the communication with Jupyter in Python, which in turn talks with Lua via named-pipe IPC. This frees ILua from being bounded to a single Lua implementation ABI. The Lua interpreter only needs to respect the $LUA_PATH
environment variable and execute a file given as the first argument.