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This sample Kibana custom visualization plugin, based on the NP framework, allows enhancement via simple coding of a simple UI to adjust the query and time filter of a dashboard


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Kibana Plugin - Custom Form Filter Visualization

This project is a simple tutorial for Kibana new comers trying to develop their own vizualisation plugin. The actual usecase of this plugin is to create a custom data input form, where fields are used to filter data used by other visualizations in the dashboard.

This plugin is a demo based on the accounts data which can be downloaded from Elastic web site here. To work, the index pattern for bank data shall be called bank* as it is hard coded in custom_form_filter_accounts_vis_controller.tsx.

As plugin architecture is being under heavy redesign in 7.x and documentation is rather obscure, I did my best to create something simple that works. The code is also basic, I am a JavaScript beginner!

This repository is for Kibana v7.8 (up) plugin New Platform (NP) while this repository is for v7.6.2 'legacy' architecture.

This plugin is adapted from the vis_type_markdown plugin.

WARNING: this plugin does not work for Kibana 7.13 up. I am not maintaining the code for the moment. Plugin structure and APIs are constantly evolving (changing) and documentation is scarce.

Sample Screenshots

Few screen shots which makes it very easy to understand.

New Visualization - Step 1

New Visualization - Step 2


Creating a development environment from scratch on Ubuntu

  1. Install curl and JRE
$ sudo apt install curl
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
  1. Install latest Kibana and ElasticSearch via apt
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install elasticsearch
$ sudo apt install kibana

For testing purpose, it may be required to install a specific (not latest) version of Kibana or ElasticSearch.

$ sudo apt install kibana    [for latest version]
$ sudo apt install kibana=7.8.0    [OR for a specific version]
  1. Adjust listening IP address of Kibana if network access is required
$ sudo vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml ""    [update with correct IP value]
  1. Start ElasticSearch, possibly upload the accounts test data
$ sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
$ curl -X GET "localhost:9200"
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bank/account/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @accounts.json    [optional]
  1. Now to create a Kibana development environment, download nvm, git client and yarn
$ curl | bash    [then open a new terminal]
$ nvm install 10.21.0
$ sudo apt install git
$ curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install yarn
  1. Download Kibana source code. After download, kibana is the top directory. Then select the target version by selecting a tag or a branch (v7.6.2, v7.8.0, v7.8, etc.)
$ git clone
$ cd kibana
$ git checkout v7.8.0
  1. Copy the source code of this plugin with modified name inside the kibana/plugins directory

  2. Start Kibana in development mode, ensuring only OSS (Open Source Software) features are used. This step may take few minutes for the first compilation

$ cd kibana
$ nvm use 10.21.0    [or expected version. nvm install n.n.n may be required if version is missing]
$ yarn kbn bootstrap
$ yarn start --oss
  1. Kernel values adjustment for large number of file monitoring may be required
$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
$ sudo sysctl -p
  1. If you have a problem to start a higher version of Kibana than ElasticSearch, with the error message during development[error][savedobjects-service] This version of Kibana (v8.0.0) is incompatible with the following Elasticsearch nodes in your cluster: v7.8.0 @ (, add this line in config/kibana.yml config file. As a side note when upgrading from v7.6.2 to v7.8 branch I had to delete all indexes curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/*
elasticsearch.ignoreVersionMismatch: true
  1. When it is time to upgrade the Kibana development environment, start for a clean environment, get the latest changes from github, and switch to the new tag or release. The kibana/plugins directory remains untouched accross these steps. You may delete the target folder in each plugin folder.
$ cd kibana
$ git reset --hard
$ git fetch
$ git checkout v7.8.1

Creating the actual form (step 7) for your own usecase

The current plugin name is based on the accounts test data. Simply perform a search replace in filenames and in the source code, respecting letter capitalization.

The form itself is contained in the controller file file. An option tab is also possible, actually one or more.

The form code looks like this and is very simple to modify, based on EUI React components.

  <EuiFormRow label="Age" helpText="Input customer age">
    <EuiFieldText name="age" onChange={e => this.onFormChange(e)} value={this.state.age} />
  <EuiFormRow label="Minimum balance" helpText={minimumBalanceHelpText} >
    <EuiFieldText name="minimumBalance" onChange={e => this.onFormChange(e)} value={this.state.minimumBalance} />
  <EuiSpacer />
  <EuiText size="xs"><h4>State</h4></EuiText>
    placeholder="Select a state"
    singleSelection={{ asPlainText: true }}
  <EuiSpacer />
  <EuiButton onClick={this.onClickButtonApplyFilter} fill>Apply filter</EuiButton>&nbsp;
  <EuiButton onClick={this.onClickButtonDeleteFilter} >Delete filter</EuiButton>&nbsp;
  <EuiButton onClick={this.onClickButtonClearForm} >Clear form</EuiButton>&nbsp;
  <EuiButton onClick={this.onClickButtonToday} color="secondary">Time: today</EuiButton>

I use Microsoft Code to edit code and Google Chrome to debug.

Packaging the plugin as a zip file

Build the zip file with the plugin_helpers.js script

$ cd kibana/plugins/vis_type_custom_form_filter_accounts
$ node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers.js build
? What version of Kibana are you building for? 7.10.0
 info deleting the build and target directories
 info running @kbn/optimizer
 │ info initialized, 0 bundles cached
 │ info starting worker [1 bundle]
 │ succ 1 bundles compiled successfully after 45 sec
 info copying source into the build and converting with babel
 info compressing plugin into []

Installing the plugin

The plugin can then be installed like this for an apt installed Kibana.

$ cd /usr/share/kibana
$ sudo -u kibana ./bin/kibana-plugin install file:///home/john/downloads/
$ sudo -u kibana ./bin/kibana-plugin install

Deleting then installing the plugin often fails for me. I fix it by running this command.

$ cd /usr/share/kibana
$ sudo -u kibana ./bin/kibana-plugin remove visTypeCustomFormFilterAccounts
Removing visTypeCustomFormFilterAccounts...
Plugin removal complete
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/kibana/optimize/bundles

Project TODO List

  • Create form content (i.e. dropdown, slider) with actual data
  • Sample code to modify time filter
  • Create a script to replace 'accounts' in filenames and file content
  • Add internationalization example
  • Create test script
  • Create own plugin icon
  • Improve fetchData (actually Array) with a more reusable and paramerizable API


This sample Kibana custom visualization plugin, based on the NP framework, allows enhancement via simple coding of a simple UI to adjust the query and time filter of a dashboard








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