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guruofquality edited this page Apr 7, 2013 · 4 revisions

Almost all existing GNU Radio IP is supported in the GRAS scheduler thanks to a backwards compatible wrapper in gnuradio-core runtime. Therefore, new IP using the GRAS API will be able to interoperate with existing GNU Radio IP.

Currently, the backwards compatible wrapper is implemented on a special branch with modifications to gnuradio-core:

In the longer-term, the wrapper will be part of a gras-runtime directory which will sit side-by-side with the gnuradio-runtime directory.

QA tests failures

More than 97% of the 200~ GNU Radio QA tests pass under the GRAS scheduler. All of the failing QA tests are anticipated. Listed below are QA tests that are failing on the new scheduler and why:

gnuradio-core QA failures
  • qa_hier_block2 - ignore, qa tests fail on specific exception cases, and index edge cases - failures do not affect capabilities of GRAS's topology
  • qa_message - ignore, qa tests only apply to old scheduler specifics

pdu failures

This feature was added into GNU Radio during GRAS development. The failure are due to the implementation being left as empty stubs in the gr-runtime wrapper. The long-term goal is to pull the implementation from mainline into the wrapper.

gr-affinity QA failures

This feature was added into GNU Radio during GRAS development. This failure is expected and will probably not be addressed because of the different threading models. Instead GRAS exposes Theron's thread pool affinity.

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