This is a roguelite game inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics made for 7DRL 2020.
You can play the game on
This is written in Go, and runs locally over SSH and online via xterm.js+WebAssembly. All the display code and ANSI wrangling is custom. This project might be interesting if you want to see how to do a roguelike-style text game "the hard way" without using a fake terminal or curses-style library.
Originally, this code derives from a realtime multiplayer arena shooter game. The turn-based system was bolted on afterwards, so it's basically a realtime game pretending to be turn-based. The gameplay code was mostly hastily written over 7 days.
(this uses modules, don't put it in $GOPATH):
# make sure you have latest go
go get
# run server
go build && ./roguetactics
# attach client (other tab)
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o web/main.wasm
# symlink web/maps to ./maps
# run python -m SimpleHTTPServer etc in web
This is BSD licensed (xterm.js is MIT). You're free to fork it and do whatever.
If you'd like to contribute something, please open an issue first.
There are a couple cool maps that are drawn out but unimplemented, and lots of gameplay mechanics that could be more fleshed out.
Shout outs to:
- meepches and Eric for some of the maps
- @wittekm for some code contributions
- the 7DRL organizers for the fun competition
- everyone who played the game