This repository includes data and codes related to the manuscript: The Lifespan Trajectories of Brain Activities Related to Cognitive Control
Cite: Li, Z., Petersen, I. T., Wang, L., Radua, J., Yang, G., & Liu, X. (2023). The Lifespan Trajectories of Brain Activities Related to Cognitive Control. bioRxiv.
[Note]: The codes are only for the analyses with Rstudio, but not for the analyses performed within the GingerALE and SDM-PSI softwares, which can be done manually with the GUIs.
[Required libraries] (other version not tested, but should be generally fine): metafor-4.0-0 stringr-1.5.1 performance-0.10.3 car-3.1-2 visreg-2.7.0 MuMIn-1.47.5 mgcv-1.8-42 MASS-7.3-58.2 readxl-1.4.3 fastDummies-1.7.3
[Instructions to run on data]: Before running the codes, please set the working directory to the ./code.
[Expected output]: a folder named "laterality" within "meta_data" when running the codes laterality+groupcompare*.R; a folder named "plot" within "meta_data/analysis_Adult-ChildOld" when running other R codes; The plot_agedist.m generates Figure S2.
[Expected run time]: Typically within 1 min for all codes except the code\GAM+modelcomp+plot_meanROI_testmeanage.R, which could take up to one hour (depending on the computer performance) with 1000 iterations.
[Instruction for use]: Before using these code, you need to run the analyses within SDM-PSI, and then extract data from ROIs, then put the extracted data into the directory data\extracted_data_contrastanalysis. Then you need to change the directories (basedir and scriptdir) within each code.
[Reproduction instruction]: Simply run these codes, you can reproduce the plots and statistics reported within our manuscript