A CollabVM Bot written in Javascript
- Copy
- Edit the configuration
- Download required dependency. Do
npm install
- Run the bot. Do
node .
ornode index.js
Licensed in GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPL-3.0-or-later)
This bot only works with CollabVM Server 1.2.ts!
All code that i've taken from other sources has been labeled in JS Files.
- /files/Permissions.js - collab-vm-1.2.webapp/src/ts/protocol/Permissions.ts
- /files/Guacutils.js - collab-vm-1.2.webapp/src/ts/protocol/Guacutils.ts
- /index.js:93 - collabvm-1.2.ts/cvmts/src/Utilities.ts:26
- Stable: v2.0.5
- Latest: v2.0.6a
- Note: I recommend you to use stable version. Latest are not considered to be fully stable yet!