You will be implementing a simple header bidding client in JavaScript which contains a tiny subset of functionality from our live script.
GPT Documentation
A9 Display Example
A9 Display Deep Example
A9 Integration Verification
A9 API Reference
Validation code
Validation visual
cd /path/to/app/
npm install
cd /path/to/app/
node_modules/.bin/webpack -p
cd /path/to/app/
npm start
You can access app at localhost:8080
cd /path/to/app/
npm run dev
You can access app at localhost:8080
Get started by running dev move and visit localhost:8080
cd app; npm install; npm run dev
Use the following for debugging
googletag.openConsole(); //to debug gpt
apstag.debug('enable'); //activates aps debug mode and always returns test creative
googletag.pubads().refresh(); //forces an ad load/refresh
When requesting bids from amazon, this is the config you're expected to use
slotID: 'SetRectangleHeader',
slotName: 'SetRectangleHeader',
sizes: [[300, 250]],
slotID: 'SetPageFooter',
slotName: 'SetPageFooter',
sizes: [[728, 90]],
To validate that your code works,
- On page (localhost:8080), activate aps debug mode by running
in console - Refresh your page
- Validate that you see orange creatives as shown in this screenshot. It's okay if this doesn't happen 100% of times as long as the next steps happen 100% of times.
- Open network tab in dev tools and filter for google ads requests (use
) - Refresh your page
- Inspect the payload sent to google and ensure that amazon key values are set in the request as shown in this screenshot
To test that it works, enable apstag debug mode and confirm that you are seeing a test orange creative.
Please zip up your code and send to the Ads engineering manager.