K8studio 1.0.9 Release Notes
New Functionality
1.Improve microservice layout.
2.Add heatmap to headers.
3.Fusion deployment view and move into a single component.
4.Improve layout to optimize available space.
5.Add Timeline component and status to all of Quick Editor.
6.Global metrics.
7.Improve charts.
8.Auto-detection of Prometheus.
9.Support for Kube and Helm Prometheus.
10.Add namespace metrics.
11.Improve Helm component performance.
12.Improve lifecycle management of port forwarding.
13.Improve global error handling.
14.Improvement on Editor look and feel.
15.Add application setting to choose the default view on the cluster detail page
16.Decode base64 secrets from Quick Editor
Bug Fixes
1.Add later on RBAC View.
2.Fix crud for CRDS.