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10 Days of JavaScript

10 Days of Statistics

Day Challenge Points Solution
0 Mean, Median, and Mode 30
0 Weighted Mean 30
1 Quartiles 30
1 Interquartile Range 30
1 Standard Deviation 30
2 Basic Probability 10
2 More Dice 10
2 Compound Event Probability 10
3 Conditional Probability 10
3 Cards of the Same Suit 10
3 Drawing Marbles 10
4 Binomial Distribution I 30
4 Binomial Distribution II 30
4 Geometric Distribution I 30
4 Geometric Distribution II 30
5 Poisson Distribution I 30
5 Poisson Distribution II 30
5 Normal Distribution I 30
5 Normal Distribution II 30
6 The Central Limit Theorem I 30
6 The Central Limit Theorem II 30
6 The Central Limit Theorem III 30
7 Pearson Correlation Coefficient I 30
7 Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient 30
8 Least Square Regression Line 30
8 Pearson Correlation Coefficient II 30
9 Multiple Linear Regression 30

30 Days of Code

Day Challenge Points Solution
0 Hello, World 30
1 Data Types 30
2 Operators 30
3 Intro to Conditional Statements 30
4 Class vs. Instance 30
5 Loops 30
6 Let's Review 30
7 Arrays 30
8 Dictionaries and Maps 30
9 Recursion 30
10 Binary Numbers 30
11 2D Arrays 30
12 Inheritance 30
13 Abstract Classes 30
14 Scope 30
15 Linked List 30
16 Exceptions - String to Integer 30
17 More Exceptions 30
18 Queues and Stacks 30
19 Interfaces 30
20 Sorting 30
21 Generics 30
22 Binary Search Trees 30
23 BST Level-Order Traversal 30
24 More Linked Lists 30
25 Running Time and Complexity 30
26 Nested Logic 30
27 Testing 30


Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Sorting Quicksort 1 - Partition 10
Sorting Marc's Cakewalk 15
Sorting Minimum Absolute Difference in an Array 15
Sorting Luck Balance 20
Sorting Insertion Sort - Part 1 30
Sorting Insertion Sort - Part 2 30
Sorting Correctness and the Loop Invariant 30
Sorting Running Time of Algorithms 30
Sorting Quicksort 2 - Sorting 30
Sorting Counting Sort 1 30
Sorting Counting Sort 2 30
Sorting Counting Sort 3 30
Sorting Intro to Tutorial Challenges 30
Sorting Quicksort In-Place 35
Sorting Running Time of Quicksort 35
Sorting The Full Counting Sort 40
Search Ice Cream Parlor 30
Search Connected Cells in a Grid 50
Greedy Grid Challenge 20
Greedy Maximum Perimeter Triangle 20
Greedy Beautiful Pairs 30
Graph Theory Breadth First Search - Shortest Reach 55
Strings Super Reduced String 10
Strings CamelCase 15
Strings Two Characters 15
Strings Caesar Cipher 15
Strings Mars Exploration 15
Strings Weighted Uniform Strings 20
Strings Gemstones 20
Strings Alternating Characters 20
Strings Beautiful Binary String 20
Strings The Love-Letter Mystery 20
Strings String Construction 25
Dynamic Programming The Coin Change Problem 60
Bit Manipulation Lonely Integer 20
Bit Manipulation Bit Manipulation: Lonely Integer 20
Bit Manipulation Sum vs XOR 25
Bit Manipulation Maximizing XOR 30
Bit Manipulation Sansa and XOR 30
Bit Manipulation Counter game 30

Interview Preparation Kit


Data Structures

Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Arrays Arrays - DS 10
Arrays 2D Array - DS 15
Arrays Dynamic Array 15
Arrays Left Rotation 20
Arrays Sparse Arrays 25
Arrays Algorithmic Crush 60
Stacks Maximum Element 20
Stacks Balanced Brackets 25
Trees Tree: Preorder Traversal 10
Trees Tree: Inorder Traversal 10
Trees Tree: Postorder Traversal 10
Trees Tree: Height of a Binary Tree 10
Trees Tree: Level Order Traversal 20
Trees Tree: Huffman Decoding 20
Trees Binary Search Tree: Insertion 20
Trees Binary Search Tree: Lowest Common Ancestor 30
Trees Is This a Binary Search Tree? 30
Trees Swap Nodes [Algo] 40
Trees Square-Ten Tree 60
Linked List Print the Elements of a Linked List 5
Linked List Insert a node at the head of a linked list 5
Linked List Insert a Node at the Tail of a Linked List 5
Linked List Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list 5
Linked List Delete a Node 5
Linked List Print in Reverse 5
Linked List Reverse a linked list 5
Linked List Compare two linked lists 5
Linked List Merge two sorted linked lists 5
Linked List Get Node Value 5
Linked List Delete duplicate-value nodes from a sorted linked list 5
Linked List Cycle Detection 5
Linked List Find Merge Point of Two Lists 5
Linked List Inserting a Node Into a Sorted Doubly Linked List 5
Linked List Reverse a doubly linked list 5
Tries Contacts 40
Queues Queue using Two Stacks 30
Heaps Find the Running Median 50
Multiple Choice Data Structures MCQ 1 5
Multiple Choice Data Structures MCQ 2 5
Multiple Choice Data Structures MCQ 3 5

Linux Shell


Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Introduction Welcome to Java! 3
Introduction Java Stdin and Stdout I 5
Introduction Java If-Else 10
Introduction Java Stdin and Stdout II 10
Introduction Java Output Formatting 10
Introduction Java Loops I 10
Introduction Java Loops II 10
Introduction Java Datatypes 10
Introduction Java End-of-file 10
Introduction Java Static Initializer Block 10
Introduction Java Int to String 10
Introduction Java Date and Time 15
Introduction Java Currency Formatter 15
Strings Java Strings Introduction 5
Strings Java Substring 5
Strings Java String Compare 10
Strings Java String Reverse 10
Strings Java Anagrams 10
Strings Java String Tokens 15
Strings Pattern Syntax Checker 20
Strings Java Regex 25
Strings Java Regex 2 - Duplicate Words 25
Strings Java Regex 3 - Username Checker 20
Strings Tag Content Extractor 20
BigNumber Java BigInteger 10
BigNumber Java BigDecimal 20
BigNumber Java Primality Test 20
Assertions Java 1D Array 5
Assertions Java 2D Array 10
Assertions Java Subarray 10
Assertions Java Arraylist 10
Assertions Java 1D Array (Part 2) 25
Assertions Java List 15
Assertions Java Map 10
Assertions Java Stack 20
Assertions Java Hashset 10
Assertions Java Generics 15
Assertions Java Comparator 10
Assertions Java Sort 10
Assertions Java Dequeue 20
Assertions Java BitSet 20
Object Oriented Programming Java Inheritance I 5
Object Oriented Programming Java Inheritance II 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Abstract Class 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Interface 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Method Overriding 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Method Overriding 2 (Super Keyword) 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Instanceof keyword 10
Object Oriented Programming Java Iterator 15
Object Oriented Programming Calculating Volume 20
Exception Handling Java Exception Handling (Try-catch) 10
Exception Handling Java Exception Handling 15
Advanced Java Varargs - Simple Addition 15
Advanced Java Reflection - Attributes 15
Advanced Can You Access 15
Advanced Prime Checker 25
Advanced Java Factory Pattern 15
Advanced Java Singleton Pattern 15
Advanced Java Visitor Pattern 40
Advanced Java Annotations 25
Advanced Covariant Return Types 20
Advanced Java Lambda Expressions 30
Advanced Java MD5 30
Advanced Java SHA-256 30


Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Introduction Matching Specific String 5 SpecificString.rb
Introduction Matching Anything But a Newline 5 AnythingButNewline.rb
Introduction Matching Digits & Non-Digit Characters 5 DigitsNonDigitsChar.rb
Introduction Matching Whitespace & Non-Whitespace Character 5 WhitespaceNonWhitespaceChar.rb
Introduction Matching Word & Non-Word Character 5 WordNonWordChar.rb
Introduction Matching Start & End 5 StartEnd.rb
Character Class Matching Specific Characters 10 SpecificCharacters.php
Character Class Excluding Specific Characters 10 ExcludingSpecificCharacters.php
Character Class Matching Character Ranges 10 CharacterRanges.php
Repetitions Matching {x} Repetitions 20 xRepetitions.php
Repetitions Matching {x, y} Repetitions 20 xyRepetitions.php
Repetitions Matching Zero Or More Repetitions 20 ZeroOrMoreRepetitions.php
Repetitions Matching One Or More Repetitions 20 OneOrMoreRepetitions.php
Repetitions Matching Ending Items 20 EndingItems.php
Grouping and Capturing Matching Word Boundaries 20 WordBoundaries.php
Grouping and Capturing Capturing & Non-Capturing Groups 20 CapturingNonCapturingWords.php
Grouping and Capturing Alternative Matching 20 AlternativeMatching.php
Backreferences Matching Same Text Again & Again 20 SameTextAgainAgain.php
Backreferences Backreferences To Failed Groups 20 FailedGroups.php
Backreferences Branch Reset Groups 20 BranchResetGroups.php
Backreferences Forward References 20 ForwardReferences.php
Assertions Positive Lookahead 20 PositiveLookahead.php
Assertions Negative Lookahead 20 NegativeLookahead.php
Assertions Positive Lookbehind 20 PositiveLookbehind.php
Assertions Negative Lookbehind 20



Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Basic Select Revising the Select Query I 10
Basic Select Revising the Select Query II 10
Basic Select Select All 10
Basic Select Select By ID 10
Basic Select Japanese Cities' Attributes 10
Basic Select Japanese Cities' Names 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 1 15
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 3 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 4 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 5 30
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 6 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 7 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 8 15
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 9 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 10 10
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 11 15
Basic Select Weather Observation Station 12 15
Basic Select Higher Than 75 Marks 15
Basic Select Employee Names 10
Basic Select Employee Salaries 10
Basic Join Asian Population 10
Basic Join African Cities 10
Basic Join Average Population of Each Continent 10
Basic Join The Report 20
Basic Join Top Competitors 30
Basic Join Ollivander's Inventory 30
Basic Join Challenges 30
Basic Join Contest Leaderboard 30
Aggregation Revising Aggregations - The Count Function 10
Aggregation Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function 10
Aggregation Revising Aggregations - Averages 10
Aggregation Average Population 10
Aggregation Japan Population 10
Aggregation Population Density Difference 10
Aggregation The Blunder 15
Aggregation Top Earners 20
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 2 15
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 13 10
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 14 10
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 15 15
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 16 10
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 17 15
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 18 25
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 19 30
Aggregation Weather Observation Station 20 30
Alternative Queries Draw The Triangle 1 25 DrawTheTriangle1.sql
Alternative Queries Draw The Triangle 2 25 DrawTheTriangle2.sql
Alternative Queries Print Prime Numbers 40 PrintPrimeNumbers.sql
Advanced Select Type of Triangle 20 TypeOfTriangle.sql
Advanced Select The PADS 30 ThePads.sql
Advanced Select Occupations 30 Occupations.sql
Advanced Select Binary Tree Nodes 30 BinaryTreeNodes.sql
Advanced Select New Companies 30 NewCompanies.sql
Advanced Join SQL Project Planning 40 SQLProjectPlanning.sql
Advanced Join Placements 40 Placements.sql
Advanced Join Symmetric Pairs 40 SymmetricPairs.sql
Advanced Join Interviews 50 Interviews.sql
Advanced Join 15 Days of Learning SQL 50 15DaysOfLearning.sql


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