An asyncio library to manage orchestrators with support for Kubernetes and Nomad.
We use context managers with a configuration object:
config_k8s = { 'certificate': '<client certificate data>', 'key': '<client key data>', 'endpoint': 'localhost:6443', 'skip_ssl': True } async with K8SContextManager(k8s_config) as context: cm = ClusterManager(context) await cm.delete_namespace('aiocluster-test') await cm.create_namespace('aiocluster-test')
config_k8s = { 'auth': 'in_cluster' }
Token is gotten from env var KUBERNETES_SERVICE_TOKEN or /var/run/secrets/
Ca is gotten from /var/run/secrets/
config_k8s = { 'auth': 'certificate', 'certificate': 'BASE64_CERT', 'key': 'BASE64_KEY' }
config_k8s = { 'auth': 'certificate_file', 'certificate': 'CERT_PEM_FILE', 'key': 'KEY_PEM_FILE' }
Key is optional if certificate has a chain with the key
config_k8s = { 'auth': 'basic_auth', 'user': 'USERNAME', 'credentials': 'PASSWORD' }
config_k8s = { 'auth': 'token', 'token': 'JWT_TOKEN_BASE_64', }
config_k8s = { 'http_scheme': 'SCHEME', # http/https Default: 'http' 'endpoint': 'HOST:PORT', }
You can skip validation:
config_k8s = { 'skip_ssl': 'false', # 'false'/'true' Default: 'false' }
You can define BASE64 CA certificate:
config_k8s = { 'ca': 'BASE64_CA_CERT' }
You can define CA certificate file:
config_k8s = { 'ca_file': 'CERT_PEM_FILE' }
In case its in_cluster auth the certificate is gotten from by default from /var/run/secrets/ Can be overwritten defining your own.
In order to use token based auth you can define a service account on the cluster that has role based permissions to do the operations that you need.
Create serviceaccount:
$ kubectl create serviceaccount myuser -n namespace
Get token:
$ kubectl get serviceaccounts myuser -o yaml -n namespace apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: # ... secrets: - name: myuser-token-1yvwg $ kubectl get secret myuser-token-1yvwg -o yaml -n namespace apiVersion: v1 data: ca.crt: (APISERVER'S CA BASE64 ENCODED) namespace: ZGVmYXVsdA== token: (BEARER TOKEN BASE64 ENCODED) kind: Secret metadata: # ... type:
Add roles to the service account:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding myuser-job-controller --clusterrole=system:controller:job-controller --user=myuser
You can download the nomad agent and run it with:
nomad agent -dev
Tests will connect to the local nomad to schedule the jobs
Tests will check if there is a k8s context names docker-desktop or minikube