It is the connector to the File Manager, guillermomartinez/filemanager-ui It is the GUI.
- PHP >= 5.4
composer require guillermomartinez/filemanager-php:0.1.*
Create file conector.php in folder public_html
use GuillermoMartinez\Filemanager\Filemanager;
// Add your own authentication method
//if(!isset($_SESSION['username']) || $_SESSION['username']!="")
// exit();
$extra = array(
// path after of root folder
// if /var/www/public_html is your document root web server
// then source= usefiles o filemanager/usefiles
"source" => "userfiles",
// url domain
// so that the files and show well
// o
"url" => "",
"debug" => false,
"images" => [
// width,height,IF TRUE crop in width ELSEIF NULL is auto,IF TRUE crop in height ELSEIF NULL is auto
'medium' => array(340,180,true,true),
'large' => array(1024,768,true,true),
if(isset($_POST['typeFile']) && $_POST['typeFile']=='images'){
$extra['type_file'] = 'images';
$f = new Filemanager($extra);
Install for user interface.