Configuration management for Heroku environment variables.
Add the heroku gem plugin:
$ heroku plugins:install git://
heroku-config-versions installed
Every time the config:set
or config:unset
are used the last version
of the values are saved in a backup variable.
$ heroku config
=== gentle-everglades-6844 Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: postgres://
$ heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=oooooops
Setting config vars and restarting gentle-everglades-6844... done, v35
DATABASE_URL: oooooops
$ heroku config
=== gentle-everglades-6844 Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: oooooops
You can list all the saved versions.
$ heroku config:versions
Saved config versions for gentle-everglades-6844:
20140118053023 (saved on 2014-01-18 05:30:23 -0500)
or see the values saved for a specify version.
$ heroku config:version 20140118053023
=== gentle-everglades-6844 Config Vars for version 20140118053023
DATABASE_URL: postgres://
and finally you can roll back the values to a specify version
$ heroku config
=== gentle-everglades-6844 Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: oooooops
$ heroku config:rollback 20140118053023
Rolling back gentle-everglades-6844 config vars to version 20140118053023... done
$ heroku config
=== gentle-everglades-6844 Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: postgres://
Also you can roll back app code and config version simultaneously
$ heroku releases:rollback v24 20140118053023
Everytime the set/unset commands are executed a copy of the config vars is saved in the HEROKU_CONFIG_VERSIONS
this variable save a hash that use the current date as the key and the current value of the config vars as value.
The hash is serialized (JSONfied, compressed and Base64 encoded) and hidden from the list of config vars but can be see using the config:get
MIT License
Guillermo Iguaran