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A Mailgun package for Laravel for sending emails using the Mailgun HTTP API. It's main advantage is that the syntax is the same as the Laravel Mail component and I also tried to give it very simmilar functionality. So if you've used that component before, using the Mailgun package should be a breeze.

This package makes use of the Mailgun-PHP library.

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Table of contents


Open your composer.json file and add the following to the require key:

Laravel 5.*

"bogardo/mailgun": "4.0.*"

Laravel 4.2

"bogardo/mailgun": "3.1.*"

Laravel 4.1/4.0

"bogardo/mailgun": "2.*"

After adding the key, run composer update from the command line to install the package

composer update

Add the service provider to the providers array in your config/app.php file.



Before you can start using the package we need to set some configurations. To do so you must first publish the config file, you can do this with the following artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bogardo\Mailgun\MailgunServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After the config file has been published you can find it at: config/mailgun.php

In it you must specify the from details, your Mailgun api key and the Mailgun domain.


By default the Mailgun facade alias is added automatically, but if you want that this be recognized by your IDE using laravel-ide-helper. You have to add this to your aliases in config file config/app.php

'Mailgun' => Bogardo\Mailgun\Facades\Mailgun::class



The Mailgun package offers most of the functionality as the Laravel 5 Mail component.

The Mailgun::send method may be used to send an e-mail message:

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
    $message->to('', 'John Smith')->subject('Welcome!');


The first argument passed to the send method is the name of the view that should be used as the e-mail body. Mailgun supports 2 types of bodies: text and html. You can specify the type of body like so:

Mailgun::send(array('html' => 'html.view', 'text' => 'text.view'), $data, $callback);

If you have a html body as well as a text body then you don't need to specify the type, you can just pass an array where the first item is the html view and the second item the text view.

Mailgun::send(array('html.view','text.view'), $data, $callback);

When you only want to send an html body you can just pass a string.

Mailgun::send(array('html.view'), $data, $callback);

When only sending a text body, just must pass an array and specify the type.

Mailgun::send(array('text' => 'text.view'), $data, $callback);


The second argument passed to the send method is the $data array that is passed to the view.

Note: A $message variable is always passed to e-mail views, and allows the inline embedding of attachments. So, it is best to avoid passing a (custom) message variable in your view payload.

You can access the values from the $data array as variables using the array key.


$data = array(
	'customer' => 'John Smith',
	'url' => ''

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->to('', 'John Smith')->subject('Welcome!');

View emails.welcome:

    Hi {{ $customer }},
	Please visit {{ $url }}

Renders to:

    Hi John Doe,
	Please visit

Mail options

You can specify the mail options within the closure.


The recipient methods all accept two arguments: email and name where the name field is optional.

The to method

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->to('', 'Recipient Name');

The cc method

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->cc('', 'Recipient Name');

The bcc method

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->bcc('', 'Recipient Name');
Batch Sending

To send an email to multiple recipients you can also pass an array as the first parameter to the to, cc and/or bcc methods.

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

The array should only contain strings with the email address. If you still want to be able to set the recipient name there are two options:

  • Call the to method multiple times:
Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message) use ($users)
	foreach ($users as $user) {
		$message->to($user->email, $user->name);
  • Give the strings in the array the correct format for including names: 'name' <email>
	"'Mr. Bar' <>",
	"'Ms. Foo' <>"

Note: Mailgun limits the number of recipients per message to 1000


In the Mailgun config file you have specified the from address. If you would like, you can override this using the from method. It accepts two arguments: email and name where the name field is optional.

#with name
$message->from('', 'Recipient Name');

#without name

Setting the email subject

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->subject('Email subject');

Setting a reply-to address

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->replyTo('', 'Helpdesk');

If the reply_to config setting is set, the reply-to will be automatically set for all messages You can overwrite this value by adding it to the message as displayed in the example.


To add an attachment to the email you can use the attach method. You can add multiple attachments.

Since mailgun-php 1.6, the ability to rename attachments has been added due to the upgrade to guzzle 1.8

It accepts 2 arguments:

  • $path | The path to the image
  • $name (optional) | The remote name of the file (attachment is renamed server side)
Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

> The to, cc, bcc, sender, from, subject etc... methods are all chainable: > ```php > $message > ->to('', 'Recipient Name') > ->cc('', 'Recipient Name') > ->subject('Email subject'); > ```

Embedding Inline Images

Embedding inline images into your e-mails is very easy. In your view you can use the embed method and pass it the path to the file. This will return a CID (Content-ID) which will be used as the source for the image. You can add multiple inline images to your message.

Since mailgun-php 1.6, the ability to rename attachments has been added due to the upgrade to guzzle 1.8

The embed method accepts 2 arguments:

  • $path | The path to the image
  • $name (optional) | The remote name of the file (attachment is renamed server side)
    <img src="{{ $message->embed($pathToFile) }}">


$data = array(
	'img' => 'assets/img/example.png',
	'otherImg' => 'assets/img/foobar.jpg'

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->to('', 'Recipient Name');
    <img src="{{ $message->embed($img) }}">
    <img src="{{ $message->embed($otherImg, 'custom_name.jpg') }}">
    <img src="cid:example.png">
    <img src="cid:custom_name.jpg">

The $message variable is always passed to e-mail views by the Mailgun class.


Mailgun provides the ability to set a delivery time for emails up to 3 days in the future. To do this you can make use of the later method. While messages are not guaranteed to arrive at exactly at the requested time due to the dynamic nature of the queue, Mailgun will do it's best.

The later method works the same as the (default) send method but it accepts 1 extra argument. The extra argument is the amount of seconds (minutes, hours or days) from now the message should be send.

If the specified time exceeds the 3 day limit it will set the delivery time to the maximum of 3 days.

To send an email in 10 seconds from now you can do the following:

Mailgun::later(10, 'emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
    $message->to('', 'John Smith')->subject('Welcome!');

When passing a string or integer as the first argument, it will interpret it as seconds. You can also specify the time in minutes, hours or days by passing an array where the key is the type and the value is the amount. For example, sending in 5 hours from now:

Mailgun::later(array('hours' => 5), 'emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
    $message->to('', 'John Smith')->subject('Welcome!');

When scheduling messages, make sure you've set the correct timezone in your app/config/app.php file.


Sometimes it’s helpful to categorize your outgoing email traffic based on some criteria, perhaps for separate signup emails, password recovery emails or for user comments. Mailgun lets you tag each outgoing message with a custom tag. When you access the Tracking page within the Mailgun control panel, they will be aggregated by these tags.

Warning: A single message may be marked with up to 3 tags. Maximum tag name length is 128 characters. Mailgun allows you to have only limited amount of tags. You can have a total of 4000 unique tags.

To add a Tag to your email you can use the tag method.

You can add a single tag to an email by providing a string.

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

To add multiple tags to an email you can pass an array of tags. (Max 3)

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->tag(array('Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3'));

If you pass more than 3 tags to the tag method it will only use the first 3, the others will be ignored.


If you want your emails to be part of a campaign you created in Mailgun, you can add the campaign to a message with the campaign method. This method accepts a single ID string or an array of ID's (with a maximum of 3)

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->campaign(array('campaign_1', 'campaign_2', 'campaign_3'));


You can toggle tracking on a per message basis.

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

Tracking Clicks

Toggle clicks tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting.

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

Tracking Opens

Toggle opens tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting.

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)


Enable/disable DKIM signatures on per-message basis. (see Mailgun Docs)

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)


You can send messages in test mode. When you do this, Mailgun will accept the message but will not send it. This is useful for testing purposes.

Note You are charged for messages sent in test mode.

To enabled testmode for all emails set the testmode option in the config file to true.

To enabled/disable testmode on a per message basis:

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)

Catch all

You can setup a catch-all address in the configuration file catch_all. When enabled, all email addresses will be replaced by the catch-all address specified in the configuration file. This is useful for testing purposes.

Custom Data

When sending, you can attach data to your messages. The data will be represented as a header within the email, X-Mailgun-Variables. The data is formatted in JSON and included in any webhook events related to the email containing the custom data. See the Mailgun Documentation for more detailed information.

To add custom data to a message you can use the data method. This method takes two parameters key and value. The value parameter will be json encoded

Mailgun::send('emails.welcome', $data, function($message)
	$message->data('key', 'value');

Mailing lists

You can programmatically create mailing lists using Mailgun Mailing List API. A mailing list is a group of members (recipients) which itself has an email address, like This address becomes an ID for this mailing list.

When you send a message to, all members of the list will receive a copy of it.


Get all mailing lists

Mailgun::lists()->all(['limit' => 5]);
Parameter Type Description _
address string Find a mailing list by its address optional
limit int Maximum number of records to return (100 by default) optional
skip int Records to skip (0 by default) optional

Returns a Laravel Collection of Mailinglist objects.


Get a single mailing list by address


Returns a single Mailinglist object.


Create a new mailing list

    'address' => ''
Parameter Type Description _
address string A valid email address for the mailing list, e.g., or Developers <> required
name string Mailing list name, e.g. Developers optional
description string A description for the mailing list optional
access_level string List access level, one of: readonly (default), members or everyone optional

Returns the newly created Mailinglist object


Update an existing mailing list

Mailgun::lists()->update("", [
    'name' => 'New name',
    'description' => 'Test mailing list'

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.

$list = Mailgun::lists()->get("");

$list->update(['name' => 'New name']);
Parameter Type Description _
address string New mailing list address, e.g. optional
name string New name optional
description string New description optional
access_level string List access level, one of: readonly (default), members or everyone optional

Returns the updated Mailinglist object.


Delete a mailing list


Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.

$list = Mailgun::lists()->get("");


Returns true if successfull.

Get members

Get members for a mailing list

Mailgun::lists()->members("", [
    'subscribed' => true,
    'limit' => 10

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.

    'subscribed' => true,
    'limit' => 10
Parameter Type Description _
subscribed bool true to list subscribed, false for unsubscribed, list all if not set optional
limit int Maximum numbers of records to return (100 default) optional
skip int Records to skip (0 default) optional

Returns a Laravel Collection of Member objects.

Get member

Get a single member from a mailing list

Mailgun::lists()->member("", "");

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.


Returns a single Member object.

Add member

Add a member to a mailing list

Mailgun::lists()->addMember('', [
    'address' => '',
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'vars' => ['age' => 43, 'gender' => 'male'],
    'subscribed' => true,
    'upsert' => true

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.

    'address' => '',
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'vars' => ['age' => 43, 'gender' => 'male'],
    'subscribed' => true,
    'upsert' => true
Parameter Type Description _
address string Valid email address, e.g. John <> or just required
name string Member name optional
vars array array with arbitrary keys and values optional
subscribed bool true to add as subscribed (default), false as unsubscribed optional
upsert bool true to update member if present, false to raise error in case of a duplicate member (default) optional

Returns the newly created Member object.

Add members

Add multiple members to a mailing list, up to a 1000 per call

Mailgun::lists()->addMembers("", [
        "address" => "",
        "name" => "Jane Doe"
        "address" => "",
        "name" => "John Doe",
        "vars" => [
            "age" => 48,
            "country" => "Japan"
], true);
Parameter Type Description _
members array array of members required
upsert bool true to update existing members, false to ignore duplicates (default) optional

Returns the Mailinglist the members where added to

Update member

Update an existing member of a mailing list

Mailgun::lists()->updateMember('', '', [
    'address' => '',
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'vars' => ['age' => 43, 'gender' => 'male'],
    'subscribed' => true,

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.

$list->updateMember('', [
    'subscribed' => false,
Parameter Type Description _
address string Valid email address, e.g. John <> or just optional
name string Member name optional
vars array array with arbitrary keys and values optional
subscribed bool true to add as subscribed (default), false as unsubscribed optional

Returns the updated Member object.

Delete member

Delete a mailinglist member

Mailgun::lists()->deleteMember("", "");

Or if you already have the Mailinglist object available.


Returns true if successfull.


Utility for generating and validating an OptIn hash.

The typical flow for using this utility would be as follows:


  1. Recipient Requests Subscribe
  2. Generate OptIn Link (with OptInHandler)
  3. Email Recipient OptIn Link


  1. Recipient Clicks OptIn Link
  2. Validate OptIn Link (with OptInHandler)
  3. Subscribe User
$secretKey   = 'a_very_secret_key';


$listaddress = '';
$subscriber  = '';

$hash = Mailgun::optInHandler()->generateHash($listaddress, $secretKey, $subscriber);

// string 'eyJoIjoiODI2YWQ0OTRhNzkxMmZkYzI0MGJjYjM2MjFjMzAyY2M2YWQxZTY5MyIsInAiOiJleUp5SWpvaWNtVmphWEJwWlc1MFFHVjRZVzF3YkdVdVkyOXRJaXdpYkNJNkltMWhhV3hwYm1kc2FYTjBRR1Y0WVcxd2JHVXVZMjl0SW4wPSJ9' (length=180)


$result = Mailgun::optInHandler()->validateHash($secretKey, $hash);

// array (size=2)
//   'recipientAddress' => string '' (length=21)
//   'mailingList' => string '' (length=23)
Mailgun::lists()->addMember($result['mailingList'], [
    'address' => $result['recipientAddress']

Email Validation

Mailgun offers an email validation service which checks an email address on the following:

  • Syntax checks (RFC defined grammar)
  • DNS validation
  • Spell checks
  • Email Service Provider (ESP) specific local-part grammar (if available).

Single address

Validation a single address:


The validate method returns the following object:

stdClass Object
    [address] =>
    [did_you_mean] => 
    [is_valid] => 1
    [parts] => stdClass Object
            [display_name] => 
            [domain] =>
            [local_part] => foo


It will also try to correct typo's:



stdClass Object
    [address] =>
    [did_you_mean] =>
    [is_valid] => 1
    [parts] => stdClass Object
            [display_name] => 
            [domain] =>
            [local_part] => foo


Multiple addresses

To validate multiple addresses you can use the parse method.

This parses a delimiter separated list of email addresses into two lists: parsed addresses and unparsable portions. The parsed addresses are a list of addresses that are syntactically valid (and optionally have DNS and ESP specific grammar checks) the unparsable list is a list of characters sequences that the parser was not able to understand. These often align with invalid email addresses, but not always. Delimiter characters are comma (,) and semicolon (;).

The parse method accepts two arguments:

  • addresses: An array of addresses or a delimiter separated string of addresses
  • syntaxOnly: Perform only syntax checks or DNS and ESP specific validation as well. (true by default)

Syntax only validation:

$addresses = 'Alice <>,,';
$addresses = array(
	'Alice <>',



stdClass Object
    [parsed] => Array
            [0] => Alice <>
            [1] =>

    [unparseable] => Array
            [0] =>


Validation including DNS and ESP validation:

$addresses = 'Alice <>,,';
Mailgun::parse($addresses, false);


stdClass Object
    [parsed] => Array

    [unparseable] => Array
            [0] => Alice <>
            [1] =>
            [2] =>


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Mailgun package for Laravel







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