I made this thinking in my own development process but feel free to use it if you want 👌
git clone https://github.com/guidovizoso/react-boilerplate.git
npm install
npm run dev /* Runs webpack dev server and live reloading */
npm run start /* Runs webpack in production mode with optimizations */
├── src
│ ├── index.js // Renders everything
│ ├── App.jsx // Main component
│ ├── App.css // Main component styles (one stylesheet per component)
│ └── assets // Images and stuff goes here
├── dist // Compiled files goes here
├── package.json
├── .babelrc
├── .eslintrc
├── webpack.common.js
├── webpack.dev.js
├── webpack.prod.js
└── .gitignore
- Default project > master branch
- SASS project > sass branch
- PostCSS project > postcss branch
- Webpack
- Babel (env, react and stage-0)
- React
- Styled Components
- ESlint
- Initial version
- Img support
- Optional SASS and PostCSS
- Optional Heroku and Now integration
- Testing support
💬 Made by Guido Vizoso <https://www.linkedin.com/in/guidovizoso/>