Automatic merging of pull requests (gstraccini-bot)
Items that are awaiting triage or categorization
Items that are in the backlog for future work
Task or issue is currently blocked
Automated processes or integrations
Issues related to bugs or errors
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment processes
Code quality-related tasks or issues
Database-related operations
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Prevents automatic merging of pull requests (gstraccini-bot)
Tasks related to writing or updating documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
GitAuto label to trigger the app in a issue.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Participation in the Hacktoberfest event
Extra attention is needed
A task that can be completed in a few days
Infrastructure-related tasks or issues
Kobit AI code analysis label.
A task that can be completed in a few minutes
A task that can be completed in a few hours
Request of a new source of data or new properties in the schema
GitHub Actions for automation and CI/CD
Request of new output format or fixing a problem in an existing ones
Further information is requested