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Dynamically create an Isolated Web App to use Direct Sockets API.

  • Substitute Web Cryptography API (wbn-sign-webcrypto) for node:crypto implementation of Ed25519 algorithm
  • Install and run same JavaScript source code in different JavaScript runtimes, e.g., node, deno, bun
  • TODO: Create Signed Web Bundle and Isolated Web App in the browser


Fetch dependencies

Creates a node_modules folder containing dependencies

bun install


npm install


deno add npm:wbn

Generate private and public keys, write to file system

This only has to be done once. generateWebCryptoKeys.js can be run with node, deno, or bun.

bun run generateWebCryptoKeys.js

Build the Signed Web Bundle and Isolated Web App

Entry point is assets directory; contains manifest.webmanifest, index.html, script.js and any other scripts or resources to be bundled.

Write signed.swbn to current directory, and write the generated Signed Web Bundle isolated-app: ID to direct-socket-controller.js in direct-sockets extension folder.


node index.js


bun run index.js

Deno (Can be run without node_modules folder in current directory; fetches dependencies from

 deno -A --import-map import-map index.js

Build/rebuild wbn-bundle.js from webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle/src/index.ts with bun

  1. git clone
  2. cd webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle
  3. bun install -p
  4. In src/index.ts comment line 18, : EnforcedPlugin, line 32 const opts = await getValidatedOptionsWithDefaults(rawOpts); and lines 65-121, because I will not be using Rollup
  5. Bundle with Bun bun build --target=node --format=esm --sourcemap=none --outfile=webpackage-bundle.js ./webbundle-plugins/packages/rollup-plugin-webbundle/src/index.ts
  6. Create reference to Web Cryptography API that will be used in the code in the bundled script instead of node:crypto directly import { webcrypto } from "node:crypto";
  7. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/utils/utils.js use switch ( {
  8. getRawPublicKey becomes an async function for substituting const exportedKey = await webcrypto.subtle.exportKey("spki", publicKey); for publicKey.export({ type: "spki", format: "der" });
  9. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/signers/integrity-block-signer.js use const publicKey = await signingStrategy.getPublicKey(); and [getPublicKeyAttributeName(publicKey)]: await getRawPublicKey(publicKey); verifySignature() also becomes an async function where const algorithm = { name: "Ed25519" }; const isVerified = await webcrypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, publicKey, signature, data); is substituted for const isVerified = crypto2.verify(undefined, data, publicKey, signature);
  10. In /node_modules/wbn-sign/lib/web-bundle-id.js serialize() function becomes async for return base32Encode(new Uint8Array([...await getRawPublicKey(this.key), ...this.typeSuffix]), "RFC4648", { padding: false }).toLowerCase();; and serializeWithIsolatedWebAppOrigin() becomes an async function for return ${this.scheme}${await this.serialize()}/;; toString() becomes an async function for return Web Bundle ID: ${await this.serialize()} Isolated Web App Origin: ${await this.serializeWithIsolatedWebAppOrigin()};
  11. In src/index.ts export {WebBundleId, bundleIsolatedWebApp};
  12. In index.js, the entry point for how I am creating the SWBN and IWA I get the public and private keys created with Web Cryptography API, and use Web Cryptography API to sign and verify

Installation of browser extension and Native Messaging host on Chrome and Chromium

  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions.
  2. Toggle Developer mode.
  3. Click Load unpacked.
  4. Select direct-sockets folder.
  5. Note the generated extension ID.
  6. Open nm_tcpsocket.json in a text editor, set "path" to absolute path of Deno deno_echo_tcp.js, txiki.js txikijs_echo_tcp.js, Bun bun_echo_tcp.js, and Node.js TCP servers node_echo_tcp.js, and set "allowed_origins" array value to chrome-extension://<ID>/ using ID from 5 .
  7. Copy the nm_tcpsocket.json file to Chrome or Chromium configuration folder, e.g., on Chromium on Linux ~/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts.
  8. Make sure the TCP echo server *.js file is executable.


To launch the IWA window from an arbitrary Web page run the code in /direct-sockets/direct-socket-controller.js in DevTools console or Snippets.

We could recently open the IWA window from arbitrary Web sites in DevTools console or Snippets with

var iwa = open("isolated-app://<IWA_ID>");

iwa: Mark isolated-app: as being handled by Chrome evidently had the side effect of blocking that capability, see"isolated-app://") is blocked. isolated-web-app-utilities provides approaches to open the IWA window from arbitrary Web sites, chrome:, chrome-extension: URL's.

Activate the notification which will prompt to save the generated WebRTC RTCPeerConnection SDP to the file direct-socket-controller.sdp in Downloads folder, click Save. Activate the second notification and select the direct-socket-controller.sdp file from Downloads folder. Click to save changes if prompted.

The calling Web page will create a WebRTC Data Channel, and pass the SDP to the Isolated Web App in a new window using open(), then exchange SDP with a WebRTC Data Channel in the Isolated Web App to facilitate bi-directional communication between the arbitrary Web page and the IWA where a TCPSocket communicates with a local (or remote) TCP server.

Watch for the open event of the WebRTC Data Channel connection between the IWA and the current Web page, then run something like the following which should print the values echoed back in uppercase

channel.send(encoder.encode("live")); // "LIVE" in channel.onmessage handler

The direct-sockets browser extension starts one of the above local TCP servers specified in nm_tcpsocket.json.

To close the TCP connection and the Isolated Web App window call channel.close().


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  • JavaScript 98.5%
  • TypeScript 1.2%
  • HTML 0.3%